R Weekly 2025-W09 nhyris, tisthemachinelearner, Forks
This week’s release was curated by Colin Fay, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
nhyris - The minimal framework for transform R shiny application into standalone
The Dynamic Relationship of Forks with their Upstream Repository
R in Academia

New Packages
📦 Keep up to date wtih CRANberries 📦
{GitAI} 0.1.0: Extracts Knowledge from ‘Git’ Repositories
{codelist} 0.1.0: Working with Code Lists
{netknitr} 0.2.1: Knit Network Map for any Dataset
{aftables} 1.0.2: Create Spreadsheet Publications Following Best Practice
{musicXML} 1.0.1: Data Sonification using ‘musicXML’
Updated Packages
{summarytools} 1.1.0: Tools to Quickly and Neatly Summarize Data - diffify
{duckdb} 1.2.0: DBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management System - diffify
{cpp11armadillo} 0.4.4: An ‘Armadillo’ Interface - diffify
{parseLatex} 0.3.0: Parse ‘LaTeX’ Code - diffify
{flint} 0.0.2: Fast Library for Number Theory - diffify
Videos and Podcasts

How to Replace Values in Data Frame Based on Lookup Table in R
Creating a Finder Smart Folder of your RStudio Project files to enable super fast project launching
Creating R, Python, Stata, and Julia tutorial worksheets (with and without solutions) using Quarto
Creating effectively multi-engine Quarto documents using Quarto’s embed shortcode

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