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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2022-W46 {rtoot}, column headers, apply functions, NBA posters
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Academia
New Packages
{rtoot} 0.1.0: Collecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data.
{mailchimpR} 0.1.0: Get Mailchimp Data via the ‘’ API
{commafree} 0.1.0: Call Functions Without Commas Between Arguments.
{powerjoin} 0.1.0: Extensions of ‘dplyr’ and ‘fuzzyjoin’ Join Functions.
{toRvik} 1.1.1: Extensive and Tidy NCAA Men’s College Basketball Data.
{sugarbag} 0.1.6: Create Tessellated Hexagon Maps.
GitHub or Bitbucket
{constructive} Display Idiomatic Code to Construct Most R Objects.
Updated Packages
nanonext 0.7.0: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library. - diffify
{rayshader} 0.30.0 Create Maps and Visualize Data in 2D and 3D. - diffify
{recipes} 1.0.3: Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling. - diffify
{ntfy}: Lightweight Wrapper to the Service. - diffify
{explore} 1.0.0: Simplifies Exploratory Data Analysis. - diffify
{paint} 0.1.7: paint data.frames summaries in colour. - diffify
{breakerofchains} 0.3.2: Break Chained Expressions and Run Them with Printed Output. - diffify
{huxtable} 5.5.1: Easily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other Formats. - diffify
{usmap} 0.6.1: US Maps Including Alaska and Hawaii. - diffify
{roxygen2} 7.2.2: In-Line Documentation for R. - diffify
{modelr} 0.1.10: Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe. - diffify
{parsnip} 1.0.3: A Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions. - diffify
{ggfortify} 0.4.15: Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results. - diffify
{biblio} 0.0.7: Interacting with BibTeX Databases. - diffify
{tidyterra} 0.3.1: ‘tidyverse’ Methods and ‘ggplot2’ Helpers for ‘terra’ Objects. - diffify
{rmarkdown} 2.18: Dynamic Documents for R. - diffify
{RcppArmadillo} ‘Rcpp’ Integration for the ‘Armadillo’ Templated Linear Algebra Library. - diffify
{hydraulics} 0.6.0: Basic Pipe and Open Channel Hydraulics. - diffify
{ggh4x} 0.2.3: Hacks for ‘ggplot2’. - diffify
{learnr} 0.11.2: Interactive Tutorials for R. - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Scaling Shiny Apps for Python and R: Sticky Sessions on Heroku
How to Create Interactive Networks using R (Marvel movies example)
Building a TidyModels classification model from scratch and deploying with Vetiver
Which Gender is associated with this Name? R to the R-escue!
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Updates from the R Contribution Working Group:
- Participants of the LatinR translation hackathon translated around 500 R messages into Brazilian Portuguese/Spanish.
- Plans are underway to launch contributor office hours in the next month or two.
- Full minutes of RCWG meeting.
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
💼 Explore Jobs & Gigs Board on RStudio Community 💼
Quotes of the Week
Today's #rstats "I wish I'd known this sooner" moment:
— Cara Thompson (@cararthompson) November 11, 2022
The list argument allows you to replace NAs in different columns with different things all in one go 🥳
Health warnings:
- Beware of class changes
- Use caution when replacing NAs!
1/3‼️New #rayshader update (v0.30.0)! And it's a big one: Trees, 3D buildings, and OBJ support!
— Tyler Morgan-Wall @[email protected] (@tylermorganwall) November 11, 2022
Now you can visualize important questions like: What would the National Mall look like if we replaced the Washington Monument with Sauron's dark tower? 😀#RStats #dataviz #rayrender
New chapter in R4DS: — the goal of this chapter is to give an overview of important base R functions like [, [[, $, apply, and for loops #rstats
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) November 4, 2022
If you work with highly sensitive data, how do you work with #rstats and GitHub in a way that keeps that data off of GitHub?
— David Keyes (@dgkeyes) November 9, 2022
Anyone ever set up a way for a non-R user to trigger an R script to run? I'm thinking something like the non-R user submitting a form that triggers a GitHub Action that sends them an email with a report. #rstats
— David Keyes (@dgkeyes) November 3, 2022