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{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2022-W44 Data Scientists or Software Developers, Understanding Shiny, and New TidyX
This week’s release was curated by Sam Parmar, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
“Wait, I’m a developer?”: Reflections on developing #Rstats functions
Diving into dependen-“sea”: How CRAN packages are interconnected
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
A tour of the Apache Arrow ecosystem for the R community (slides)
Data science & statistics artwork/illustrations (Allison Horst)
New Packages
- {Greymodels} 1.0: Shiny App for Grey Forecasting Model
- {simcausal} 0.5.6: Simulating Longitudinal Data with Causal Inference Applications
- {gghdr} 0.2.0: Visualisation of Highest Density Regions in ‘ggplot2’
- {galah} 1.5.0: Biodiversity Data from the Living Atlas Community
- {worrrd} 0.1.0: Generate Wordsearch and Crossword Puzzles
- {exams2learnr} 0.1-0: Interface for ‘exams’ Exercises in ‘learnr’ Tutorials
- {OpenML} 1.12: Open Machine Learning and Open Data Platform
- {RCT2} 0.0.1: Designing and Analyzing Two-Stage Randomized Experiments
Updated Packages
{mirai} 0.7.0: Simple and lightweight parallelism and concurrent code execution, local or distributed across the network. - diffify
{pkgload} 1.3.1: Simulate Package Installation and Attach - diffify
{arkhe} 1.0.0: Tools for Cleaning Rectangular Data - diffify
{colourpicker} 1.2.0: A Colour Picker Tool for Shiny and for Selecting Colours in Plots - diffify
{bigrquery} 1.4.1: An Interface to Google’s ‘BigQuery’ ‘API’ - diffify
{starter} 0.1.11: Starter Kit for New Projects - diffify
{oskeyring} 0.1.5: Raw System Credential Store Access from R - diffify
{mlflow} 1.30.0: Interface to ‘MLflow’ - diffify
{keyring} 1.3.1: Access the System Credential Store from R - diffify
{rayrender} 0.28.8: Build and Raytrace 3D Scenes - diffify
{parsedate} 1.3.1: Recognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO 8601 Formats - diffify
{tidyfst} 1.7.5: Tidy Verbs for Fast Data Manipulation - diffify
{pedbp} 1.0.1: Pediatric Blood Pressure - diffify
{ps} 1.7.2: List, Query, Manipulate System Processes - diffify
{pingr} 2.0.2: Check if a Remote Computer is Up - diffify
{pkgcache} 2.0.3: Cache ‘CRAN’-Like Metadata and R Packages - diffify
{keypress} 1.3.0: Wait for a Key Press in a Terminal - diffify
{asciicast} 2.2.0: Create ‘Ascii’ Screen Casts from R Scripts - diffify
{zip} 2.2.2: Cross-Platform ‘zip’ Compression - diffify
{pkgsearch} 3.1.2: Search and Query CRAN R Packages - diffify
{shiny} 1.7.3: Web Application Framework for R - diffify
{meanr} 0.1-5: Sentiment Analysis Scorer - diffify
{tidytable} 0.9.1: Tidy Interface to ‘data.table’ - diffify
{webfakes} 1.1.5: Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing - diffify
{fontawesome} 0.4.0: Easily Work with ‘Font Awesome’ Icons - diffify
{ggdensity} 0.1.1: Interpretable Bivariate Density Visualization with ‘ggplot2’ - diffify
{torch} 0.9.0: Tensors and Neural Networks with ‘GPU’ Acceleration - diffify
{datefixR} 1.3.1: Standardize Dates in Different Formats or with Missing Data - diffify
{rsconnect} 0.8.28: Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications - diffify
{openxlsx} Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files - diffify
{foghorn} 1.5.1: Summarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
R Internationally
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
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messed up trying to remap the colours in an image in R and produced this trippy creation #rtistry
— Jarome Ali 🇹🇹 (@notazookeeper) October 17, 2022
I recently scrapped a direction I was going in for a project but I still really love a lot of the WIP outputs. So I will be sharing them anyways.#rtistry #generativeart
— Ijeamaka (@ijeamaka_a) October 17, 2022
Quotes of the Week
I'm a little surprised that people expect deprecated functions to live on for so many years. If a function has told you not to use it every time for 3 years, is another two years of warnings going to make any difference? What am I missing?
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) October 19, 2022
(1/n) Since Halloween is just around the corner, let's talk about something spooky: presentations with LIVE CODING 🎃👻😱. To prepare for a 2-hour virtual workshop on package development, I came up with a system to help me stay organized.
— We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies) October 19, 2022
Here's what helped⬇️
I've been running a lot of #rstats scripts lately and sometimes I have to move the scripts around, which means installing packages.
— Péter Sólymos (@psolymos) October 14, 2022
There are many options out there, but none of them fits my use case very well.
Here is what I found (a thread)