

R Weekly 2022-W31 RStudio becomes Posit, {shinytest2}, Quarto tips!

This week’s release was curated by Kelly Bodwin, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.


RStudio rebrands as Posit

{shinytest2}: For testing Shiny apps. (slides)

One Quarto tip a day


Seeing R help outside official sources

Hello Quarto RStudio::conf keynote slides

One Quarto tip a day

Why R users should be happy about the Posit rebrand

12 ggplot extensions for snazzier graphics

Translating between {tidymodels} and {scikit-learn}

Implications of R syntax in Intro Stats

R in the Real World

Coolbutuseless: Interactive graphics in R

Seasonality in Time Series with Fourier transforms

Recreating a Bubble Chart from The Economist

R in Organizations

RStudio rebrands as Posit

R in Academia


Announcing Quarto

All RStudio::conf workshop and talk materials

Workshop Instructor(s) More Info
Introduction to the tidyverse RStudio Academy team of data science educators, including Garrett Grolemund, Desirée De Leon, and others repo
Graphic Design with ggplot2: How to Create Engaging and Complex Visualizations in R Cédric Scherer repo
Getting Started with Quarto Tom Mock repo
From R Markdown to Quarto Andrew Bray repo
Getting Started with Shiny Colin Rundel repo
Building Production-Quality Shiny Applications Eric Nantz repo
Machine Learning with tidymodels Julia Silge + Max Kuhn + David Robinson repo
What They Forgot to Teach You About R Shannon McClintock Pileggi + Jenny Bryan + David Aja repo
Building Tidy Tools Emma Rand + Ian Lyttle repo
Package Development Masterclass Hadley Wickham repo
Designing the Data Science Classroom Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel + Maria Tackett repo
Making Art from Code: How the magic works, and the practical skills it teaches Danielle Navarro repo
Causal Inference in R Lucy D’Agostino McGowan + Malcolm Barrett repo
R for People Analytics Keith McNulty + Alex LoPilato + Liz Romero repo
How Data Science with R Works for Systems Administrators Alex Gold repo
Clinical Reporting in R Andy Nicholls + Christina Fillmore repo

New Packages

📦 Go Live for More New Pkgs 📦


{scorecard}: credit risk score

{orf}: ordered random forests

{audobon}: Japanese text processing


GitHub or Bitbucket

{simLT}: Simulating time series data

{dashboard-builder}: Drag and drop for Shiny apps (demo)

{tfrmt}: Display-related metadata

{constructive}: See under the hood of data objects

{tidyclust}: a tidymodels interface for clustering.

{dbcooper}: Make any database a package

{shinytest2}: For testing Shiny apps. (slides)

Updated Packages

🔍 Search on R-universe 🔍

{sgsR}: structurally guided sampling

{RCurl}: HTTP requests

{forecast}: time series analysis

{terra}: spatial data

{metrica}: Prediction metrics

{future}: parallel computing

Videos and Podcasts

Using {group-by} with and without {summarize}

Two-way interview: JJ Allaire (RStudio) and Jeremy Howard (

Intro to {dashboard-builder}

Gist & Cookbook

Shiny Apps

Find talks for JSM

R Internationally


Intro to ggplot (by a 12 year old data scientist!)

fRiend: Practice with RProfile

Making tables for multinomial models with {modelsummary} and {brms}

Debugging with {icecream}

How to debug R code

Principal Components Analysis in R

{censored}: Survival analysis with tidymodels

{workboots}: prediction intervals

{leafdown}: multilayer maps

Making Shiny apps mobile responsive

Cracking open gglot internals with ggtrace

R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

Upcoming Events in 3 Months

Events in 3 Months:

Grants & Funding



Data Scientist - Apple Cloud

Call for Participation

Your support will keep R Weekly team moving! 💡


Quotes of the Week

“Don’t worry, I still will not be learning python.” Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist, Posit PBC