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R Weekly 2022-W31 RStudio becomes Posit, {shinytest2}, Quarto tips!
This week’s release was curated by Kelly Bodwin, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
{shinytest2}: For testing Shiny apps. (slides)
Seeing R help outside official sources
Hello Quarto RStudio::conf keynote slides
Why R users should be happy about the Posit rebrand
12 ggplot extensions for snazzier graphics
Translating between {tidymodels} and {scikit-learn}
Implications of R syntax in Intro Stats
R in the Real World
Coolbutuseless: Interactive graphics in R
Seasonality in Time Series with Fourier transforms
Recreating a Bubble Chart from The Economist
R in Organizations
R in Academia
All RStudio::conf workshop and talk materials
Workshop | Instructor(s) | More Info |
Introduction to the tidyverse | RStudio Academy team of data science educators, including Garrett Grolemund, Desirée De Leon, and others | repo |
Graphic Design with ggplot2: How to Create Engaging and Complex Visualizations in R | Cédric Scherer | repo |
Getting Started with Quarto | Tom Mock | repo |
From R Markdown to Quarto | Andrew Bray | repo |
Getting Started with Shiny | Colin Rundel | repo |
Building Production-Quality Shiny Applications | Eric Nantz | repo |
Machine Learning with tidymodels | Julia Silge + Max Kuhn + David Robinson | repo |
What They Forgot to Teach You About R | Shannon McClintock Pileggi + Jenny Bryan + David Aja | repo |
Building Tidy Tools | Emma Rand + Ian Lyttle | repo |
Package Development Masterclass | Hadley Wickham | repo |
Designing the Data Science Classroom | Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel + Maria Tackett | repo |
Making Art from Code: How the magic works, and the practical skills it teaches | Danielle Navarro | repo |
Causal Inference in R | Lucy D’Agostino McGowan + Malcolm Barrett | repo |
R for People Analytics | Keith McNulty + Alex LoPilato + Liz Romero | repo |
How Data Science with R Works for Systems Administrators | Alex Gold | repo |
Clinical Reporting in R | Andy Nicholls + Christina Fillmore | repo |
New Packages
{scorecard}: credit risk score
{audobon}: Japanese text processing
GitHub or Bitbucket
{simLT}: Simulating time series data
{dashboard-builder}: Drag and drop for Shiny apps (demo)
{tfrmt}: Display-related metadata
{constructive}: See under the hood of data objects
{tidyclust}: a tidymodels interface for clustering.
{dbcooper}: Make any database a package
{shinytest2}: For testing Shiny apps. (slides)
Updated Packages
{sgsR}: structurally guided sampling
{forecast}: time series analysis
Videos and Podcasts
Using {group-by} with and without {summarize}
Two-way interview: JJ Allaire (RStudio) and Jeremy Howard (
Gist & Cookbook
Shiny Apps
R Internationally
Intro to ggplot (by a 12 year old data scientist!)
fRiend: Practice with RProfile
Making tables for multinomial models with {modelsummary} and {brms}
Principal Components Analysis in R
{censored}: Survival analysis with tidymodels
{workboots}: prediction intervals
Making Shiny apps mobile responsive
Cracking open gglot internals with ggtrace
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Grants & Funding
Call for Participation
— Georgios Karamanis (@geokaramanis) July 24, 2022
ggplot() +
geom_spiro(aes(r=r, R=r*20, d=r^2, outer=T, color=r%%10), size=3) +
scale_color_viridis_c(option="turbo") +
coord_fixed() +
theme_void() +
theme(legend.position="none")#RStats #creativecoding #rtistry
Quotes of the Week
“Don’t worry, I still will not be learning python.” Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist, Posit PBC
The year is 2042. Python has become a dialect of #rstats. News is reported via Quarto documents. Self-driving cars call prediction endpoints hosted on Posit Connect. Movie studios do all their CGI in the #rayverse. Hadley still uses nothing but R. The world is at peace.
— Adam T. Austin (@just_add_data) July 29, 2022
Why is it always this way? #rstats
— Michael Sieler (@MichaelSieler) July 29, 2022
Especially true when showing something in from of the class. #rstats #programming
— Anna Pryslopska (@anna_pryslopska) July 29, 2022