

R Weekly 2021-W33 Flow Diagrams, Donuts

This week’s release was curated by Wolfram Qin, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.


Videos and Podcasts


Modern Statistics with R


R in the Real World

$GME To The Moon

census 2020: some quick visuals of demographic change

R in Organizations

New Packages

📦 Go Live for More New Pkgs 📦


{flow} 0.0.2

  • {fastverse} 0.1.8: A Suite of High-Performance Packages for Statistics and Data Manipulation

Updated Packages

{soccermatics} 0.9.5


Venn diagrams in Python and R

Some Covid Donuts To End The Week

Fragment: Tools of Production – ggalt and encircling scatterplot points in R and Python

R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

Upcoming Events in 3 Months

Events in 3 Months:

Your support will keep R Weekly team moving! 💡

Call for Participation

Your support will keep R Weekly team moving! 💡

Quotes of the Week