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R Weekly 2022-W16 r-spatial, error chaining, monads
This week’s release was curated by Tony Elhabr, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R-spatial evolution: retirement of rgdal, rgeos and maptools
Why you should(n’t) care about Monads if you’re an R programmer
Listen to the R-Weekly Highlights podcast episode 74
R-spatial evolution: retirement of rgdal, rgeos and maptools
Why you should(n’t) care about Monads if you’re an R programmer
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
New Packages
- {sftime} 0.2.0: Classes and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a Time Column
- {scales} 1.2.0: Graphical scales map data to aesthetics.
- {Matching} 4.10-2: Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with BalanceOptimization
- {clusterHD} 1.0.0: Tools for Clustering High-Dimensional Data
- {AQEval} 0.4.5: Air Quality Evaluation
- {SoilTesting} 0.1.0: Organic Carbon and Plant Available Nutrient Contents in Soil
- {deforestable} 3.0.0: Classify RGB Images into Forest or Non-Forest
- {valet} 0.9.0: Provide R Client to the Bank of Canada’s Valet API
- {spooky} 1.1.0: Time Feature Extrapolation Using Spectral Analysis and Jack-Knife Resampling
- {MTS} 1.2.1: All-Purpose Toolkit for Analyzing Multivariate Time Series (MTS) and Estimating Multivariate Volatility Models
- {randomGLM} 1.10-1: Random General Linear Model Prediction
GitHub or Bitbucket
- {lterdatasampler 0.1.0}: Educational dataset examples from the Long Term Ecological Research program
Updated Packages
- {brms 2.17.0: Fit Bayesian generalized (non-)linear multivariate multilevel models using ‘Stan’ for full Bayesian inference.
- {nanonext} 0.4.0: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library.
- {mirai} 0.4.0: Minimalist async evaluation framework for R.
- {ggsvg} 0.1.4: Use SVG images as ggplot points.
- {xgboost}
- {bookdown} 0.26: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
- {zoo} 1.8-10: S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z’s Ordered Observations)
- {skimr} 2.1.4: Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data
- {modelsummary} 0.10.0: Summary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data
- {broom} 0.8.0: Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
- {mapboxapi} 0.3.3: R Interface to ‘Mapbox’ Web Services
- {tidycensus} 1.2: Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as ‘tidyverse’ and ‘sf’-Ready Data Frames
Videos and Podcasts
- TidyX Episode 101 - Sampling, Simulation, and Intro to Bayes - Poisson/Gamma
- Using Quarto for revealjs slides - Eric Nantz
- Shiny Developer Series Episode 31 - The Connecticut COVID-19 Test Spotter App (Part 2)
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Tidy Survey Analysis in R: Workshop Series: April 15th, April 22nd, April 29th
Big Data Belfast: May 25th
UseR! (Online): June 20th-23rd
Rstudio::Conf: July 25th-28th
Grants & Funding
R Consortium ISC Call for Proposals looking to provide grants for technical projects that will have a significant impact on the R Community. Deadline 2022-05-01
R Consortium New R User Groups, Conferences, and Training Program. Deadline 2022-09-30
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Do you see a lot of great #dataviz on Twitter? Like in the #30DayChartChallenge?
--- Albert Rapp (@rappa753) April 14, 2022
And do you want to collect them straight to your Markdown note-taking system for future inspiration?
Here's how you can send the tweet link to yourself via email and let #rstats do the rest. 🧵⬇️
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Five quick #rstats tips I've picked up in the plots I've made for the first category of the #30DayChartChallenge 🧵👇
--- Cara Thompson (@cararthompson) April 6, 2022
1. Need to plot a million points and ggplot() is taking too long but you want to stay within the tidyverse?
👉 Use 📦{scattermore} with geom_scattermore() 🥳
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Oooooh the latest version (1.2) of {scales} adds support for true minus signs (− instead of -, where the − is the same width as a +)! And it puts the − on the correct side of the dollar sign! You can also automatically add +s if you want. This is so neat! #rstats #ggplot2
--- Andrew Heiss 🇺🇦 (@andrewheiss) April 14, 2022
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>