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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2021-W46 Zillow, Databases, macOS M1
This week’s release was curated by Tony ElHabr, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
Why machine learning hates vegetables (a dialogue about Zillow)
Transitioning from x86 to arm64 on macOS - experiences of an R user
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
{testdat} 0.3.0: Data Unit Testing for R
{surveil} 0.1.0: Time Series Models for Disease Surveillance
{seasonalityPlot} 0.99.3: Seasonality Variation Plots of Stock Prices and Cryptocurrencies
{ggpolar} 0.2.0: Dots and Their Connections in Polar Coordinate System
{hoopR} 1.5.0: Functions to Access Men’s Basketball Play by Play Data
{shiny.semantic} 0.4.3: Semantic UI Support for Shiny
- {semantic.dashboard} 0.2.1: Dashboard with Fomantic UI Support for Shiny
GitHub or Bitbucket
{fidelius} 0.0.1: Secure password-protection and in-browser decryption for R Markdown/HTML documents
{googlePubsubR}: R interface for Google Cloud Pub/Sub REST API
Updated Packages
simstudy 0.3.0 update: Adding flexibility to data generation
blogdown v1.6: Support for the config/ Directory, and Improvements in install_hugo()/new_post()
{sp} 1.4-5: Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
{sf} 1.0-3: Simple Features for R
{readr} 2.1.0: Read Rectangular Text Data
{keras} 2.7.0: R Interface to ‘Keras’
{tensorflow} 2.7.0: R Interface to ‘TensorFlow’
{microbenchmark} 1.4.9: Accurate Timing Functions
{xgboost} Extreme Gradient Boosting
{tibble} 3.1.6: Simple Data Frames
Videos and Podcasts
R in Sports Analytics - Player Tracking Data & Big Data Bowl
R in Public Sector - A story about Reykjavík’s Thermal Pools
Shiny Apps
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Associate Principal Scientist, Statistical Programmer, Merck
Senior Statistical Programmer- Analysis and Reporting Standards, Innovation, Merck
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
When should you write comments in your code? Here's a small tip I learned while working with a colleague today...
— Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck) November 10, 2021
If you're writing code and you have to ask someone a question to figure out how to make your thing work, then put what you learned in a comment!
🦡 I think you're missing some badges, pal. I gotchu:
— Matt Dray (@mattdray) November 9, 2021
These days of #COP26 I was wondering how wind farms are distributed in Europe, so using data from @openstreetmap I made this map. #rstats #dataviz
— Dr. Dominic Royé (@dr_xeo) November 13, 2021