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R Weekly 2021-43 Learning to make Rtistry, Simulating Squid Games, Setting up Shiny Servers on AWS
This week’s release was curated by Kelly Bodwin, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
Thinking Outside The Grid - A “bare bones” intro to Rtistry concepts in R using ggplot.
Getting Started with Shiny Server on AWS - a video tutorial on getting started with Shiny Server on AWS, including deploying an app, installing RStudio Server, adding a domain name, and HTTPS
R in the Real World
A population density map of long, slinky Chile. Took a bit of time to find an angle I like.#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
— flotsam (@researchremora) October 23, 2021
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
{simplermarkdown} 0.0.2: Simple Engine for Generating Reports using R
{gpx} 1.0.0: Process GPX Files into R Data Structures
{epidemia} 1.0.0: Modeling of Epidemics using Hierarchical Bayesian Models
{conText} 1.0.0: ‘a la Carte’ on Text (ConText) Embedding Regression
{jenga} 1.0.0: Fast Extrapolation of Time Features using K-Nearest Neighbors
{scatterPlotMatrix} 0.1.0: ‘Htmlwidget’ for a Scatter Plot Matrix & Multiple Scatter Plot
{pixelclasser} 1.0.0: Classifies Image Pixels by Colour
{supercompress} 1.0: Supervised Compression of Big Data
{catSplit} 0.1.0: Encode Categorical Variables with Split Information from CART
{MixtureMissing} 1.0.0: Robust Model-Based Clustering for Data Sets with Missing Values at Random
GitHub or Bitbucket
{uvvistauc} Calculate the optical band gap of semiconductors from UV-Vis spectra using Tauc fitting.
{ggshakeR} Analytics and Visualization Package for Soccer Data.
Updated Packages
An Upcoming Breaking Change in knitr on Unbalanced Chunk Delimiters
{ichimoku} 1.2.4: Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
{subtee} 1.0.0: Subgroup Treatment Effect Estimation in Clinical Trials
{kayadata} 1.0.0: Kaya Identity Data for Nations and Regions
{echarty} 1.4.0: Minimal R/Shiny Interface to JavaScript Library ‘ECharts’
Videos and Podcasts
Gist & Cookbook
Shiny Apps
{visxhclust} 1.0.0: A Shiny App for Visual Exploration of Hierarchical Clustering
R Internationally
Thinking Outside The Grid - A “bare bones” intro to Rtistry concepts in R using ggplot.
Getting Started with Shiny Server on AWS - a video tutorial on getting started with Shiny Server on AWS, including deploying an app, installing RStudio Server, adding a domain name, and HTTPS
If you fit a model with multiply imputed data, you can still plot the line.
A Semi-Automated Process for Converting Slides to a Blog Post in RMarkdown
Visually Assessing the Parallel Trends Assumption for DID Estimation with Control Variables
Automatic Forecasting with ahead::dynrmf and Ridge regression
Predict #TidyTuesday giant pumpkin weights with workflowsets
Embedding Shiny Apps in Tableau Dashboards Using shinytableau
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
October 26: Expanding Software Peer Review: Statistical Package Standards at rOpenSci
October 30: 95th Tokyo.R User Meetup
November 2-4: R/Pharma Conference 2021
November 8: Data Journalism in Latin America Conference
November 13: R-Ladies Nairobi Anniversay Social
November 18th: NIMBLE tutorial
November 24th: Shiny Workshop
Call for Participation
Recently, I've been playing around with #RStats to make some generative art. These are a few of my favourites so far. #rtistry #ggplot2 #tidyverse #generativeart #aRt
— Nicola Rennie (@nrennie35) October 24, 2021
Today's quota of chaos 🎨#Rstats #generativeart #ggplot2 #tidyverse #DataScience
— Annapurani (@annapurani93) October 24, 2021
Cooper flower#rtistry #maths #generativeart #rstats
— Antonio Sánchez Chinchón (@aschinchon) October 21, 2021
Quotes of the Week
This #rstats problem is too much for me on a Monday. Someone please explain!#reprex:
— Jasmine Hughes (@Jas_Hughes) October 18, 2021
0.7 - 0.4 >= 0.3
0.8 - 0.4 >= 0.4
When it’s time to go home but your code isn’t done running. #RStats
— Matt Cheng (@MLCheng3) October 24, 2021
Ignorance is bliss, happy #RStats programming
— #RStats Question A Day (@data_question) October 24, 2021