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R Weekly 2021-W39 Accessibility, Github Actions and WeAreRLadies!
This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Academia
New Packages
{nominatimlite} 0.1.0: Lite interface for getting data from OSM service Nominatim. Extract coordinates from addresses, find places near a set of coordinates, search for amenities and return spatial objects on ‘sf’ format.
{d3po} 0.3.2: Fast and Beautiful Interactive Visualization for ‘Markdown’ and ‘Shiny’
{scRNAstat} 0.1.1: A Pipeline to Process Single Cell RNAseq Data
{net4pg} 0.1.0: Handle Ambiguity of Protein Identifications from Shotgun Proteomics
GitHub or Bitbucket
- {fivestars}: Generates HTML/CSS star ratings.
Updated Packages
{climaemet} 1.0.0: Tools to download the climatic data of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) directly from R using their API.
{ichimoku} 1.2.1: Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies. Updates: create cloud charts from any price series, pair with oscillators, save financial data directly from live charts powered by the OANDA fxTrade API.
{pathroutr}: R package for routing tracks around barrier polygons.
{emoji} 0.2.0: Contains data about emojis with relevant metadata, and functions to work with emojis when they are in strings.
{hockeyR} 0.1.0: Collect and Clean Hockey Stats.
{aRtsy} 0.1.2: Generative Art with ‘ggplot2’
{phytools} 0.7-90: Phylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)
{maps} 3.4.0: Draw Geographical Maps
Videos and Podcasts
terrainr - Generating Landscape Visualizations Using R and Unity
R for Data Science Book Club: Chapter 11: Data Import Part 1 (r4ds05)
Linking patient-reported outcomes measures with PROsetta by Ryan Honomichl
R-Ladies Coventry & Utrecht (English) - Growing into the R community - Dr Shannon Pileggi
Gist & Cookbook
Shiny Apps
R Internationally
مدونة متخصصة في مواضيع حول جمع وتصوير ونمذجة البيانات والتعلم الآلي
How correlated are survey estimates from overlapping groups?
A how-to guide for using R to design and implement choice-based conjoint surveys using
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
New #dataviz! The Earth's submarine fiber optic cable network, visualized in #RStats with #rayrender.
— Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall) September 22, 2021
Rayrender Github:
📊🧵 Collection of tweets featuring open-access materials that I have shared over the last years:
— Cédric Scherer 💉💉 (@CedScherer) September 23, 2021
Talks, seminars, blog posts, hands-on notebooks, codes, and more!
#rstats #ggplot2 #tidyverse #dataviz 🧙♂️
Using #docker with #rstats is a really powerful combo.
— Péter Sólymos (@psolymos) September 21, 2021
What are your favourite resources for getting started with Docker?
Here is my top 5 list: 👇