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R Weekly 2021-W33 Flow Diagrams, Donuts
This week’s release was curated by Wolfram Qin, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
{flow} 0.0.2: View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams.
Videos and Podcasts
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
New Packages
- {flow} 0.0.2: View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams.
- {fastverse} 0.1.8: A Suite of High-Performance Packages for Statistics and Data Manipulation
Updated Packages
squashinformr v0.2.4: Politely Web Scrape Data from SquashInfo
{soccermatics} 0.9.5: Visualise football (soccer) tracking and event data.
- nanotime 0.3.3 : Nanosecond Time Resolution for R
Using awk and R to read many large files, an example with spatial fishing data
How to setup a local PostgreSQL Database & RStudio using Docker
A Common Mistake in Data Analysis (in Psychology/Linguistics): Subsetting data to carry out nested analyses - Part 1, Part 2
Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R is now complete
Posterior predictive sampling and other post-MCMC use of samples in NIMBLE
torch: Just-in-time compilation (JIT) for R-less model deployment
Fragment: Tools of Production – ggalt and encircling scatterplot points in R and Python
Fitting your model is only the beginning: Bayesian posterior probability checks with rvars
Introducing the Redwall ‘Red Flag’ Explorer with New Constructs Data
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
✅ Achievement unlocked: 1 year's worth of @rweekly_org Highlights podcasts!
— The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast) August 10, 2021
📱 Creating mobile-first #shiny apps @skyetetra
📦 {gitlabr} 2.0.0 @StatnMap
✍️ Reproducible work with #rstats #docker @rsangole
h/t @R_by_Ryo 🙏
We've hit a HUGE milestone: The discoRd server has eclipsed the 2,000 member mark! What started off as a simple question on Reddit 2 years ago, has blossomed into an expansive and resource filled R programming community that we are truly proud of. Join the server here:
— RdiscoRdServer (@RdiscoRdServer) August 12, 2021