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R Weekly 2021-W32 Mobile-Friendly Shiny Apps, {gitlabr}, Reproducible R & Docker
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
{gitlabr} 2.0.0: Access to the ‘Gitlab’ API.
R in the Real World
New Packages
{OmicNavigator}: A tool for interactive exploration of the results from ‘omics’ experiments to facilitate novel discoveries from high-throughput biology
{bcputility} 0.1.0: Provides functions to utilize a command line utility that does bulk inserts and exports from SQL Server databases.
{bigrquery} 1.4.0: An interface to Google’s BigQuery from R.
{rbokeh} 0.5.2: R Interface for Bokeh.
{mcvis} 1.0.8: Multi-Collinearity Visualization.
{refineR} 1.0.0: Reference Interval Estimation using Real-World Data.
{handwriter} 1.0.0: Handwriting Analysis in R.
{edgebundle} 0.2.0: Algorithms for Bundling Edges in Networks and Visualizing Flow and Metro Maps.
GitHub or Bitbucket
{opendatascot} An R package to pull data from into R.
{dehex} R package: learn to assess a colour hex code by eye.
{paint} Paint the data.
{bounceR} Provides a set of functions to extract the Hawkeye statistics from the ICC and BCCI webpages.
Updated Packages
{terrainr} 0.5.0: Landscape Visualizations in R and Unity.
{RcppAnnoy} 0.0.19: Rcpp bindings for Annoy.
{gitlabr} 2.0.0: Access to the ‘Gitlab’ API.
{meta} 4.19-0: General Package for Meta-Analysis.
{rmarkdown} 2.10: Dynamic Documents for R.
{tinytex} 0.33: Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents.
{vroom} 1.5.4: Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly.
Videos and Podcasts
Shiny Apps
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Quick, what's inside that data frame? Hold down Ctrl (Cmd on macOS) and click on the name of an object in the editor to view its contents. #rstats
— RStudio Tips (@rstudiotips) August 2, 2021
Creating tables in #rstats markdown always felt cumbersome. Until now, as I have tried the RStudio Visual Editor for the first time. The '/' search function makes the experience an absolute joy! Learn more here:
— Lars Schöbitz (@larnsce) August 6, 2021
Playing around with the {arrow} package.
— Ted Laderas, PhD 🏳️🌈 (@tladeras) August 4, 2021
Working with a directory of 22,000 csvs, and it doesn't even bat an eyelash.
Pretty neat I can run most #dplyr commands on it. #RStats
The tidyverse team is taking next week (Aug 9-13) off. Time away is so important for sustainable open source maintenance; we all need a break to recharge. You won’t hear from us on GitHub next week, but we look forward to working with y’all again when we get back! #rstats
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) August 6, 2021