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{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2021-W19 map-walk-pivot, centralperk, Shiny Dev Series
Release Date: 2021-05-10
This week’s release was curated by Eric Nantz, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
Introducing {centralperk}: Get quotes from the main characters of the TV show ‘Friends’
Shiny Developer Series Episode 20: Outstanding User Interfaces with David Granjon
R in the Real World
Waiving Covid-19 Vaccine Patents? I don’t think its a good idea…
Comparing the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Management for some Developed Countries
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
{ggstream} 0.1.0: Create Streamplots in ‘ggplot2’
{DockerParallel} 1.0.0: Using the Docker Container to Create R Workers on Local or Cloud Platform
{ttt} 1.0: The Table Tool
{pathviewr} 1.0.1: Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Animal Movement Data
{covidcast} 0.4.2: Client for Delphi’s ‘COVIDcast Epidata’ API
{vetr} 0.2.13: Trust, but Verify
{hakaiApi} 1.0.0: Authenticated HTTP Request Client for the ‘Hakai’ API
{windfarmGA} 3.0.0: Genetic Algorithm for Wind Farm Layout Optimization
{latexdiffr} 0.1.0: Diff ‘rmarkdown’ Files Using the ‘latexdiff’ Utility
{autoharp} 0.0.6: Semi-Automatic Grading of R and Rmd Scripts
{visachartR} 1.0.2: Wrapper for ‘Visa Chart Components’
GitHub or Bitbucket
Updated Packages
{waiter} 0.2.1: Loading Screen for ‘Shiny’
{ggVennDiagram} 1.1.0: A ‘ggplot2’ Implement of Venn Diagram
{settings} 0.2.7: Software Option Settings Manager for R
{cherry} 0.6-14: Multiple Testing Methods for Exploratory Research
{ssh} 0.8.0: Secure Shell (SSH) Client for R
{httpuv} 1.6.1: HTTP and WebSocket Server Library
{ggimg} 0.1.1: Graphics Layers for Plotting Image Data with ‘ggplot2’
{opencv} 0.2.1: Bindings to ‘OpenCV’ Computer Vision Library
{future.callr} 0.6.1: A Future API for Parallel Processing using ‘callr’
{preferably} 0.3.1: A ‘pkgdown’ Template
{torchaudio} 0.2.0: R Interface to ‘pytorch’’s ‘torchaudio’
{rzmq} 0.9.8: R Bindings for ‘ZeroMQ’
{foghorn} 1.4.0: Summarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal
Videos and Podcasts
Shiny Developer Series Episode 20: Outstanding User Interfaces with David Granjon
Predict availability in #TidyTuesday water sources with random forest models
New series “Little-known useful R functions #1: lookup() from {lookup}
Tidy Tuesday live screencast: Analyzing water access points in R
Shiny Development Night! Dream Keyboard Designer #3 (AftonSteps)]
Livecoding R/GHA: Working on some data pipelines and trade calculator maintenance (TanHo_)
Shiny Apps
R Internationally
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Online events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
So great for #rstats to be featured in a national magazine
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) May 9, 2021
Based on the suggestion at, I am thinking about writing an #rmarkdown interface to create #rstats {targets} pipelines. Sketch: Please let me know if you have #rmarkdown magic to share.
— Will Landau (@wmlandau) May 7, 2021
#rstats PSA: If you are interested in contributing to base R (be it bug confirmation, patches to R itself, contributing to translation, etc) and use slack check out the R-devel slack here:
— Gabe Becker (@groundwalkergmb) May 6, 2021
Brought to you by the @R_Forwards R-core Contribution Taskforce
🚨 The R Discord server is looking for seminar hosts! It's a great opportunity to share your work with a relevant audience (~1,400 members and growing). Interested? We'd love to learn more about you and what you're up to. Comment or DM and let's chat!#r4ds #rstats #academic
— RdiscoRdServer (@RdiscoRdServer) May 7, 2021