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R Weekly 2021-W12 {gt} cookbook, best weather cities, mapping over many files
This week’s release was curated by Miles McBain, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
The Rise and Fall: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bioRxiv preprints
SQLite is great for R and Shiny. The dbmisc package may help a bit.
New Packages
{r6methods} 0.1.0: Generate get and set methods for R6 class fields.
{pkgdepends} 0.1.0: Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads
{spotidy} 0.1.0: Providing Convenience Functions to Connect R with the Spotify API
{sfnetworks} 0.5.0: a tidy approach to spatial network analysis.
GitHub or Bitbucket
Introducing ‘fugly’ - fast regular expression substring extraction with named capture groups
‘twitchr’ - interact with the Twitch API to extract basic public data!
{ascorthemes}: Xaringan slide themes for ASCoR (University of Amsterdam)
Updated Packages
{box} 1.0.1: Write Reusable, Composable and Modular R Code
{DALEX} 2.2.0: moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation
{stars} 0.5-2: Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
{sf} 0.9-8: Simple Features for R
{ragg} 1.1.2: Graphic Devices Based on AGG
{odbc} 1.3.1: Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)
{duckdb} 0.2.5: DBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management System
{fitzRoy} 1.0.0: Easily Scrape and Process AFL Data
Videos and Podcasts
Gist & Cookbook
Shiny Apps
R Internationally
Update to Code for case study - Customer Churn with Keras/TensorFlow and H2O
torch time series, take three: Sequence-to-sequence prediction
Florence Nightingale’s “rose charts” (and others) in ggplot2
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
March 5 - May 21: TIER Symposium on instruction in resproducible research
March 22 Why R Webinar - Analysing Political Speeches in R - some approaches
March 23 LondonR March Workshop 2021
May 14th: Time to get your Shiny on, Shiny Contest 2021 is here!
May 26-28: NIMBLE virtual short course
June 1: “Introduction to R” pre-conference workshop for PuG (German)
June 1: “Reproducibility in R” pre-conference workshop for PuG
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
#RStats battles
— mikefc (@coolbutuseless) March 19, 2021
In 2012, a statistics professor told me not to learn R because it wouldn’t be around long.
— Kayla Williamson (she/her) (@kaymwilliamson) March 17, 2021
I think about this a lot.#rstats
It's the third episode of SLICED, #TidyTuesday edition, tonight!!! 🔪
— Meg Risdal 👾 (@MeganRisdal) March 16, 2021
4⃣ four contestants (chaos!) 😈
2⃣ two Python 🐍 2⃣ two #rstats
1⃣ one #TidyTuesday dataset 🎮
1⃣ one live coding modeling challenge 📈
Check us out at 8:30PM ET!