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R Weekly 2021-11 Time series, Stock scraping, Knitr options
This week’s release was curated by Robert Hickman, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
torch time series continued: A first go at multi-step prediction
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Tabular reporting with the flextable package
torch time series continued: A first go at multi-step prediction
Upcoming Why R Webinar - Tabular reporting with the flextable package
From multinomial regression to binary classification on some siamese data
New Packages
- rumpel - manipulate objects by their names (
Updated Packages
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream Patch Release
{emayili:0.4.6} Attachments with UTF-8 Filenames & Setting Sender
Videos and Podcasts
Shiny Developer Series Episode 19: Climbing the Ladder of Shiny Mastery with Hadley Wickham
Speeding up plot creation can be as simple as specifying the ragg device within ggsave!
Why R? Webinar 039 - D. Gohel - officeverse : Creating Word and PowerPoint documents with R
R Internationally
k-Means 101: An introductory guide to k-Means clustering in R
Protected: DataCoaster Tycoon: Building 3D Rollercoaster Tours of Your Data in R with rayrender
Daily Stock Gainers Automated Web Scraping in R with Github Actions
This is. Bathymetry of the Baltic Sea. Here it is in monochrome.#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
— flotsam (@researchremora) March 12, 2021
My accidental #rstats art is going up on the office wall! Big day!
— Mike Kearney📊 (@kearneymw) March 10, 2021
A simple script to make a collage of two random photos from Unsplash, powered by {magick} and {ggfx}#Rstats code:
— Georgios Karamanis (@geokaramanis) March 13, 2021
For this #TidyTuesday, I used a beeswarm and stream plot to look at the movies which pass the bechdel test, minding the number of movies, and look specifically at the main genres.
— Christophe Nicault (@cnicault) March 10, 2021
Code : #dataviz #TidyTuesday #r4ds #tidyverse
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
March 19, 26 vieRnes de maRzo, tutorials from Curso R, USAL
March 17: Interactive maps with Leaflet
March 18: The role of Data Journalism in the Covid-19 pandemic
March 5 - May 21: TIER Symposium on instruction in resproducible research
May 14th: Time to get your Shiny on, Shiny Contest 2021 is here!
May 26-28: NIMBLE virtual short course
June 1: “Introduction to R” pre-conference workshop for PuG (German)
June 1: “Reproducibility in R” pre-conference workshop for PuG
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
The most wonderful #rstats package I've ever made for myself.
— jo-sigh-ughhh (@JosiahParry) March 13, 2021
more fun with #RStats #purrr compose() to help make these cool code pics in carbonate
— Jeremy Allen (@jeremy_data) March 14, 2021
🛡️✨ You can use {badgr} in #RStats to make a readme badge that links to your #RShiny app. Here's an example from the repository.
— Matt Dray (@mattdray) March 12, 2021