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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2020-51 targetopia, JSON data, {ggrepel}
Release Date: 2020-12-21
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
The targetopia: An R package ecosystem for democratized reproducible pipelines at scale
{ggrepel} 0.9.0: Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with ‘ggplot2’.
Ten awesome R Markdown tricks. R Markdown is more versatile than you might think
My Keynote ‘Future’ Presentation at the European Bioconductor Meeting 2020
R Consortium Providing Financial Support to COVID-19 Data Hub Platform
R in the Real World
R in Academia
New Packages
- {postcards} 0.1.0: Create simple, beautiful personal websites and landing pages using only R Markdown.
{potential} 0.1.0: Implementation of the Potential Model.
{shinyfullscreen} 1.0.0: Put any HTML elements in fullscreen in Shiny apps.
{readrba} 0.1.0: Download tidy data from the Reserve Bank of Australia.
{shinyfullscreen} 1.0.0: Display ‘HTML’ Elements on Full Screen in ‘Shiny’ Apps.
{brolgar} 0.1.0: Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R.
{dataReporter} 1.0.0: Reproducible Data Screening Checks and Report of Possible Errors.
{webfakes} 1.1.1: Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing
GitHub or Bitbucket
{ggambit} 0.1.0: Visualise FEN chess positions with ggplot2.
{tabnet} 0.0.1: An R implementation of TabNet.
{prompter} Implementation of “Hint.css” to create tooltips in Shiny apps.
{proceduralnames} 0.1.0: Several Methods for Procedural Name Generation.
{edgebundle} R package implementing edge bundling algorithms.
{stockfish} An R package to analyze chess games with the Stockfish engine.
{cjpowR} 1.0.0: A Priori Power Analyses for Conjoint Experiments.
Updated Packages
- {tinytest} 1.2.4: light weight, dependency free unit testing.
{nomnoml} 0.2.3: A tool for drawing sassy ‘UML’ diagrams based on a simple syntax.
{PRDA} 1.0.0: Conduct a Prospective or Retrospective Design Analysis.
{DataEditR} 0.0.9: An Interactive Editor for Viewing, Entering, Filtering & Editing Data.
{sfnetworks} 0.4.0: Tidy Geospatial Networks in R.
{osrm} 3.4.0: Interface Between R and the OpenStreetMap-Based Routing Service OSRM.
{testthat} 3.0.1: Unit Testing for R.
{ggrepel} 0.9.0: Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with ‘ggplot2’.
{tvthemes} 1.1.1: TV Show Themes and Color Palettes for ‘ggplot2’ Graphics
{plotly} Create Interactive Web Graphics via ‘plotly.js’
{ggstance} 0.3.5: Horizontal ‘ggplot2’ Components
{ggtext} 0.1.1: Improved Text Rendering Support for ‘ggplot2’
{bfsMaps} 0.9.6: Plot Maps from Switzerland by Swiss Federal Statistical Office
{broom} 0.7.3: Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
{psych} 2.0.12: Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research
{rmarkdown} 2.6: Dynamic Documents for R
Videos and Podcasts
Shiny Developer Series: Fully containerized dev environment with Docker, RStudio, and VS-Code
[R-Ladies Baltimore Create and share reproducible code with workflowr Naidoo, Fabris-Rotelli]( - Finding a Fatal Bug in {shiny}’s observeEvent() [Part 1]
Shiny Apps
R Internationally
(Arabic) أهمية تعلم لغة البرمجة آر وكيفية تثبيتها على جهازك – R programming language
(German) R-Code parallelisieren mit parallel::clusterApply()
The targetopia: An R package ecosystem for democratized reproducible pipelines at scale
Performance comparison of dummy-var creation methods - Part 2
sparklyr 1.5: better dplyr interface, more sdf_* functions, and RDS-based serialization routines
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Trying a very nice new tool, thanks to {edgebundle} package created by @schochastics. Here the European flight network in a bundle flow version. #rstats #rspatial #datavis
— Dominic Royé (@dr_xeo) December 19, 2020
Gosh, @dcossyle and @apreshill's RStudio4Edu book is amazing, especially for teaching me how to customize different site types, like bookdown, distill, and blogdown. Highly recommended! #education
— Ted Laderas, PhD 🏳️🌈 (@tladeras) December 19, 2020
#rstats community - whats the best #rstats thing (package, trick, etc) you've learned this year? #r4ds #DataScience
— Keith McNulty (@dr_keithmcnulty) December 18, 2020