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{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2020-18 3D Maps, {drake} diets, {dplyr} for package devs
This week’s release was curated by Robert Hickman, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
phsmethods: an R package for Public Health Scotland
GitHub or Bitbucket
Updated Packages
Videos and Podcasts
<!+ Make A Shortcut for Anything in RStudio with shtrcts
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R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Quotes of the Week
You're inevitably going to have to update to R 4.0.0 soon and as a result, you'll lose most of your packages and have to reinstall them. Here's a short script to keep a list of your current R packages and how to reinstall them after updating #rstats #statstwitter
— Sir Panda (@dailyzad) April 24, 2020
Love plotting, but are bored of standard ggplot palettes for your #RStats plot? Check out Colours Cafe on instagram. They have >400 beautiful color palettes including their hex codes ✨
— maria blöchl @🏠 (@mariabloec) April 27, 2020
Hadley doesn't want you to know, but making those Excel 3D bar charts in ggplot is super easy.
— Ryan Timpe (@ryantimpe) April 29, 2020
Coming soon to my {ggtrash} package.#rstats
#RStats Engrossing read for a 2yo. Say's he "needs to read the instructions".
— Jeff Parker (@jeffreyxparker) April 25, 2020