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R Weekly 2019-52 Joy in 2019
schrute - Introducing the schrute package the entire transcripts from The Office TV show
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
hexmake - Build your own hex sticker
New Packages
supreme - supreme is a modeling tool helping you better structure Shiny applications developed with modules
dockr - easy containerization for R
tfhub - R interface to TensorFlow Hub
schrute - Introducing the schrute package the entire transcripts from The Office TV show
How to use hierarchical cluster analysis on time series data
Vignette: Downloadable tables in RMarkdown with the DT package
Introducing the bSims R package for simulating bird point counts
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Thinking about rstudio::conf 2020? See the full conference schedule!
This week’s local R-User and applied stats eventsMore past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
I love Mondays because that’s the day I get the R weekly newsletter.
From an R Weekly reader.
Just used the #rstats package `purrr` to read in 53 individual csv files and combine them all easy peasy. I've used this approach before, and it never ceases to make me smile. 5 years ago I would have combined them all by hand in Excel. My how far I've come.
— Chris Prener (@chrisprener) December 20, 2019