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R Weekly 2019-37 colors, TidyBlocks, texting
Release Date: 2019-09-16
This week’s release was curated by Jonathan Carroll, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
Introducing the minicss package for creating CSS styles and stylesheets in R
Why Shiny? + 6 Best Practices we learned after shipping dozens of Shiny Applications
A tutorial for tidying UK Office for National Statistics data files for use in R
{ggrapid}: Create neat & complete ggplot visualizations with as little code as possible
{RecodeReorder}: RStudio addin for interactively renaming, collapsing and reordering factor levels
Generating Oxford Comma triples, and sequenced BibTeX entries using the Tidyverse
Can we use a neural network to generate R Shiny code? Let’s find out!
In search of the perfect partial dependence plot for Random Forests
Quick exploration of dagitty and ggdag packages for using DAGs in causal analyses.
RSwitch 1.5.0 Release Now Also Corrals RStudio Server Connections
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
New Packages
GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket
{minicss} 0.1.0: To programatically create CSS styles and style sheets from within R
{ggrapid} Create neat & complete ggplot visualizations with as little code as possible
{RecodeRecorder} 0.1.0: RStudio Addin for Renaming, Collapsing and Reordering Factor Levels
{polished} Authentication and Administration for Shiny apps
{pinpoint} Interactively explore and compare a distribution of numeric points
{armacmp} 🚀 Translate R Linear Algebra Code to Armadillo C++
Updated Packages
{shinysense} 0.2.0: Easier method for getting up and running with basic demos
{mmetrics} 0.3.0: Easy Computation of Marketing Metrics with Different Analysis Axis
Videos, Podcasts, and Presentations
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
LatinR 2019, Santiago de Chile, September 25 - 27 - Latinamerican Conference About the Use of R in R&D
rOpenSci OzUnconf (Sydney, Australia), December 11 - 13 2019
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
The videos from #useR2019 conference are NOW on the @RConsortium @Youtube channel!
— useR! 2019 (@UseR2019_Conf) August 30, 2019
The talks, the plenary sessions, the lightning talks... at your own pace.
Enjoy !
This is how I explain the 'pipe' to #rstats newbies...
— We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies) September 13, 2019
The magrittr macaroons are vanilla with a salted caramel buttercream filling. The plain green ones honour the lime package with thanks to @thomasp85 and @pommedeterre33 for making government models explainable. They are lime with a chocolate and coconut buttercream filling.
— Owen Churches (@OwenChurches) September 11, 2019