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R Weekly 2019-26 rlang, parser
rlang 0.4.0 - curly-curly, a new operator to make it easier to create #rstats functions around #tidyverse pipelines.
R in the Real World
New Packages
GitHub or Bitbucket
pbjob - Run R Scripts and Jobs with Pushbullet Alerts
poissoned - a package for poisson disc sampling
Updated Packages
rlang 0.4.0 - curly-curly, a new operator to make it easier to create #rstats functions around #tidyverse pipelines.
RcppArrayFire v0.1.0 - Support for sparse matrices and Mac OS
MODIStsp 1.3.9 - A Tool for Automating Download and Preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Data
RStudio Connect 1.7.6 - Publish Git-backed Content
binb 0.0.4 - Several nice improvements
RcppTOML 0.1.6 - Tinytest support and more robustification
The Distribution of the Sample Maximum - application to hiring
How data.table’s fread can save you a lot of time and memory, and take input from shell commands
Many similar models - Part 1: How to make a function for model fitting
Information theory provides a consistent framework for the analysis of spatial patterns
Word2Vec Text Mining & Parallelization in R. Join MünsteR for our next meetup!
Quick Hit: Above the Fold; Hard wrapping text at ‘n’ characters
Explaining Predictions: Interpretable models (logistic regression)
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Mexico CDSB Workshop 2019, July 29 - August 2 - How to Build and Create Tidy Tools
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Me, learning #rstats with the community
— Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85) June 28, 2019
I 💙 @nytgraphics temporal chicklet stacked column charts showing the time/topic-speaking length ( / that I had to re-make them in #rstats {ggplot2}.
— boB 🇷udis (@hrbrmstr) June 28, 2019
1/5 THE LONG WAIT IS OVER! I'm happy to announce the release of rayshader with 3D ggplots. Pull up your favorite ggplot viz and throw it into the new plot_gg() function, and watch rayshader transform it into 3D. #rstats #rayshader #dataviz
— Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall) June 25, 2019
Blog post: