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R Weekly 2019-28 useR2019 edition
This week’s release was curated by Jonathan Carroll, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
Release Date: 2019-07-15
Highlight - useR Resources
useR 2019
- Talk schedule
- Aligned schedule with materials (updating)
- Keynote presentation recordings
- useR! 2019 and R for French users
- Chat with rOpenSci Contributors at useR!2019
Expand here for links to presentation slides:
The following is a non-comprehensive list of useR2019 presentation slides in no particular order:
- R for better science in less time
- Shiny’s Holy Grail: Interactivity with reproducibility
- The “Rmd first” method: when projects start with documentation
- Insights from the recent R community development and growth in Latin America
- Reproducible data science to inform outbreak response
- mlr3: Modern machine learning in RModern machine learning in R
- mlr3pipelines: Machine Learning Pipelines as Graphs
- Reusing Tidyverse code
- Rethinking Arrays in R
- Thematic Maps with cartography
- Headless Chrome Automation with R: About the crrri package
- Visualising high-dimensional data: New developments of the tourr package using Shiny and plotly
- Visualizing Huge Amounts of Fleet Data using Shiny and Leaflet
- colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes
- vegawidget: Composing and Rendering Interactive Vega(-Lite) Charts
- auth0: Secure authentication in Shiny Apps
- {ropsec: a package for easing operations security for the R user}
- Dealing with the change of administrative divisions over time with R
- How a non-profit uses R in its daily operations
- RJDemetra: an R interface to JDemetra+
- AfricaR Initiative
- iSEE: interactive and reproducible exploration and visualization of genomics data
- n() cool #dplyr things
- Building and BenchmarkingAutoML Systems
- DRY out your workflow with usethis
- How to win friends & write an open-source book
- A feast of time series tools
- multiDA and genDA Discriminant Analysis Methods for Large Scale and Complex Datasets
- A DevOps process for deploying R to production
- Authentication and authorization in plumber with the sealr package
- vroom: life’s too short to read slow
- {polite}: Web etiquette for R users
- Analysing Results From Monte Carlo Simulation Studies
- Advancing data analytics for field epidemiologists using R
- Discovering the cause: Tools for structure learning in R
- How Bioconductor advances science and contributes to R
- Contributing to the R ecosystem: where should I start?
- Visualizing multivariate linear models in R
- ghclassan: R package for managing classes with GitHub
- Get up to speed with Bayesian data analysis in R
- Visualisation of open-ended interviews through qualitative coding and cognitive mapping
- A missing value tour in R
- Art of the Feature Toggle: Patterns for maintaining and improving Shiny applications over time
- Bridging agent-based modelling and R with nlrx: simulating pedestrian’s long-term exposure to air pollution
- PEREpigenomics: a shiny app to visualize Roadmap Epigenomics data
- You don’t need Spark for this - larger-than-RAM data manipulation with disk.frame
- Teaching data science with puzzles
- Data Science in a Box
- Data for all: Empowering teams with scalable Shiny application
- HTTP Requests For R Users and Package Developers
- Creating privacy protecting density maps: sdcSpatial
- goodpractice - A Tool for Good Package Development
- Flexible futures for fable functionality
- Making sense of CRAN: Package and collaboration networks
- Future: Simple Parallel and Distributed Processing in R
- pak – a fresh approach to package installation
- R4DS Online Learning Community: How can we help?
- Security and R: It’s secure - we’re the problem
- Describing and solving differential equations with a new domain specific language, odin
- The #rdatatable package for fast, flexible and memory efficient data wrangling
- Twitter influencers for #useR2019
- Programming Over lm() in R
- Link Functions versus Data Transforms
- Thoughts on Animation and Movement in Data Visualization
- Le Monde puzzle [#1105]
- Introducing tidylo
- CRAN Release of R/exams 2.3-3 and 2.3-4
- R/exams @ useR! 2019
- Dividend Sleuthing with R
- CRAN does not validate R packages!
- Stress Testing Dynamic R/exams Exercises
- R 3.6.1 is now available
- Rmd first: When development starts with documentation
- Common Ensemble Models can be Biased
- S4: a short guide for the perplexed
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
GitHub or Bitbucket
- inferregex - Infer the (regex) of a string
- holepunch - Configure Your R Project for ‘binderhub’
- rscodio - An RStudio theme inspired by Visual Studio Code
- r-devel-archive - Plaintext back-up of r-devel archives
- mapscanner - Off the wall application of medical image registration package to automate spatial feature parsing on hand annotated maps
Updated Packages
- swephR v0.2.1 - all the features from v0.2.0 without the UBSAN-bug
- altair v3.1.1 - Interface to ‘Altair’
- DramaAnalysis v3.0.0 - Analysis of Dramatic Texts
- ulid v0.3.0 - Generate Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers
- babelwhale v1.0.0 - Talking to ‘Docker’ and ‘Singularity’ Containers
- rLandsat v0.1.1 - Landsat Data Complete Download Process
- bomrang v0.6.0 - Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology (‘BOM’) Data Client
R Internationally
- Numerical integration over an infinite interval in Rcpp (part 2) - A general and user friendly solution.
- Automatic and Explainable Machine Learning with H2O in R
- Package Development tutorial for useR! 2019 Toulouse
- Hacking RStudio - Advanced Use of your Favorite IDE
- Visualising High-Dimensional Data
- Extending R with C++
- CVXR: An R Package for Disciplined Convex Optimization
- Getting the most out of Git
- Generalized Nonlinear Models
- Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Analysis in R
- Watch me: introduction to social media analytics
- Keeping an exotic pet in your home! Taming Python to live in RStudio because sometimes the best language is both!
- bnlearn: Practical Bayesian Networks in R
- Transformation Models
- Statistical Data Cleaning using R
- Design For Humans! A Toolkit For Creating Intuitive Modeling Packages
- Docker for Data Science: R, ShinyProxy and more
- R/exams: A One-For-All Exams Generator
- Lego World Map with {rayshader}
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Mexico CDSB Workshop 2019, July 29 - August 2 - How to Build and Create Tidy Tools
LatinR 2019, Santiago de Chile, September 25 - 27 - Latinamerican Conference About the Use of R in R&D
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
If you're stuck at home with a bad case of #UseR2019 FOMO (like me!) you can use this Shiny dashboard I made to keep up with the online conversation! #rstats 🥐🦄📊
— Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck) July 8, 2019
a <- factor(c("character", "in", "the", "streets"))
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) July 9, 2019
b <- factor(c("integer", "in", "the", 'sheets'))
c(a, b)
#> [1] 1 2 4 3 2 1 4 3#rstats
Memes really need signatures. What genius did this?
— Peter Shirley (@Peter_shirley) July 5, 2019