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R Weekly 2019-10 Exceptions, Troubleshooting, ggforce
R in the Real World
ggplot2 meets W.E.B. Du Bois: Visualizing 1900s Black American life in R
Bayesian state space modelling of the Australian 2019 election
R in Organizations
New Packages
postmastr - The goal of postmastr is to provide consistent, tidy parsing of street address data.
toxEval - Exploring Biological Relevance of Environmental Chemistry Observations
tidylog - Logging for ‘dplyr’ Functions
Updated Packages
future 1.12.0 - Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone.
future.apply 1.2.0 - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures. Now with
. -
gower 0.2.0 - Gower’s Distance
RcppArmadillo - Armadillo is a C++ linear algebra library aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use
RInside 0.2.15 - The RInside package provides C++ classes that make it easier to embed R in C++ code
Improve your R animations by implementing pause frames for emphasis
shapper is on CRAN, it’s an R wrapper over SHAP explainer for black-box models
Creating blazing fast pivot tables from R with data.table - now with subtotals using grouping sets
Style knitr Code Output Appearance in HTML with Custom CSS Classes
Head’s Up! Roll Your Own HTTP Headers Investigations with the ‘hdrs’ Package
Lots of zeros or too many zeros?: Thinking about zero-inflation in count data
Starting With Data Science: A Rigorous Hands-On Introduction to Data Science for Software Engineers
Efficient landscape metrics calculations for buffers around sampling points
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
I'm a huge fan of upset plots for displaying set patterns but get some pushback from collaborators due to its unfamiliar-ness. To combat this I made an interactive version which has helped people understand and trust the method. Thanks to r2d3 it was a breeze #dataviz #rstats
— Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer) March 8, 2019