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{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2019-15 Package Development, Data Journalism, R Community
This week release was curated by Colin Fay, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
How to get help with R package development? R-package-devel and beyond
Curb Cuts, Universal Design, and the Creation of a Welcoming R Community
This is a short description about my experience at R Unconference Chicago.
How to get help with R package development? R-package-devel and beyond

If you think @DataCamp deserves credit for a public post that they did not discipline an executive for sexual misconduct, consider that they put this code in the HTML, so no search engines would index it. I don't see it anywhere else on their blog. #rstats #python #datasci #metoo
— Noam Ross (@noamross) April 12, 2019
Don’t Take My DataCamp Course, There Must be Consequences for Sexual Assault
A Note to Our Community On How To Hide Your Content From Search Engines
Datacamp took 521 days to announce an unwanted physical contact (Harassment) event
An open invite to all #datacamp instructors (and others willing to help): If you have (or know of) open source blogs/vignettes/materials that can stand in for particular DC courses/content, please post them in this thread. I’ll aggregate and make a GitHub repo. #rstats #python
— Chris Engelhardt (@EngelhardtCR) April 12, 2019
R in the Real World
Exploring Career Progression of Current Premier League Players
Is the U.S. Housing Recovery Over? Housing Fluctuations Across Time and Frequencies
Lost In [SQL] Translation: Charting d[b]plyr Mapped SQL Function Support Across All Backends
R in Academia
New Packages
GitHub or Bitbucket
Updated Packages
Videos and Podcasts
Gist & Cookbook

R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
the boy who cried wolf is good for type 1 and type 2 errors bc it happens in order - first there’s a type 1 error bc people believe something is happening when it’s not, then there’s a type 2 error bc people don’t believe something is happening when it is:
— Luuuda (@ludmila_janda) April 10, 2019