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R Weekly 2018-42 RStudio, ORCID
- faster - Faster R with FastR
R in Organizations
R in the Real World
Getting Census data from multiple states using tidycensus and purrr
I utilized Charlie Thompson’s package “spotifyr” to analyze and cluter Kanye West albums
GeoJSON Version of CBC Quebec Ridings Hex Cartograms with Example Usage in R
New Packages
- MCHT - A Package for Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Hypothesis Testing
GitHub or Bitbucket
- memoisetools - additional caches and helper functions to work alongside the memoise package
Package Releases
RcppCCTZ 0.2.4 - Library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone.
digest 0.6.18 - digest creates hash digests of arbitrary R objects
binb 0.0.3: Now with Monash - A collection of ‘LaTeX’ styles using ‘Beamer’
In regression, we assume noise is independent of all measured predictors. What happens if it isn’t?
engroupify: A function to transform other functions to be aware of dplyr groups
cransays - Follow your R Package Journey to CRANterbury with our Dashboard!
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
#IamABiologist @SheffieldAPS studying how loss & logging of tropical forests influences species' ability to cope with climate change. I've gone from frolicking in Borneo with a thermal camera to being a desk-based #rstats fanatic!
— Rebecca Senior (@RebeccaASenior) October 12, 2018
janitor::clean_names() is my new favorite #rstats function. If you're importing data that has spaces, special characters, and/or capitalization in the column names, give clean_names() a whirl. It just magically deals with all of that for you.
— Kim Cressman (@swmpkim) October 10, 2018