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R Weekly 2018-34 Best Practices Badge, Medicine
R in Organizations
R in the Real World
New Packages
GitHub or Bitbucket
- mscstts - Make R speak
Package Releases
sergeant 1.14.0 - Apache Drill connector Package
Mongolite 2.0 - GridFS, connection pooling, and more
RcppArmadillo - an interface from R to and from Armadillo
Evaluating Olive McBride with the Arkham Horror LCG Chaos Bag Simulator in R
In-brief: splashr update + High Performance Scraping with splashr, furrr & TeamHG-Memex’s Aquarium
Where to go observe birds in Radolfzell? An answer with R and open data
Remaking ‘Luminance-gradient-dependent lightness illusion’ with R
CII Best Practices Badge for R Packages – responding to concerns
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
SatRday Aug 31-Sept 1
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. -
LatinR 2018 Sept 4-5
Buenos Aires, Argentina. -
Econometrics and Statistics using R Sept 10-14
Lisbon, Portugal.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Here is the video. I got a bit bored with 2D maps. So, I made this with mapdeck in R. Aggregating 9000+ lat. lng. to highlight the density of Airbnb listings in Hong Kong. #rstats #dataviz
— Samuel Wong (@SamueL_WonG_) August 14, 2018