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R Weekly 2018-26 Chat, Highlight
New Packages
- dqrng - Fast random number generators (RNG) with good statistical properties
GitHub or Bitbucket
Package Releases
vtreat 1.2.0 - A Statistically Sound ‘data.frame’ Processor/Conditioner
Drinking from the Firehose: using R to keep up with current ML and AI research
PYPL Language Rankings: Python ranks #1, R at #7 in popularity
R in the Real World
What goes up, must Blogdown: Version 3 (or 4) of
Aync scraping and text classification of GDPR policies, and interpreting the results with DALEX.
Recreating visualizations from the book “Knowledge is Beautiful” by David McCandless in R
Separating and Trimming Messy Data the Tidy Way - a tidy approach to separate concatenated column data in R and demonstrates the importance of trimming whitespace
Use Shiny to map visa-free countries where the citizens of two different countries can travel - source code
Which base R functions were most and least used in ~ 50 randomly selected CRAN packages?
Recreating (more) data visualizations from the book “Knowledge is Beautiful”: Part II
Launched R for Operations Research - tutorials and articles around mixed integer linear programming and R. Open to contributions on Github.
Colours & Impact: Resources for Data Visualization with a splash of R
Videos and Podcasts
RECON R tips are online - latest post is on anonymising linelists data during epidemics
Tutorial on Shiny authenticating with Google Cloud text-to-speech APIs and a custom HTML theme
R in Organizations
Idle thoughts lead to R internals: how to count function arguments
Prediction Interval, the wider sister of Confidence Interval
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
7eme Rencontres R July 5 & 6
Rennes - Agrocampus -
useR! 2018 July 10
The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community. -
LatinR 2018 Sept 4-5
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This week’s local R-User and applied stats events
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Occasionally you have to read data into #rstats where one observation is split across multiple rows. A handy pattern to fix is to mutate, fill, and filter
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) June 22, 2018
My uber driver told me he was trying to learn SPSS when I told him I'm a data scientist. So I spent the entire 15 minute ride putting forth a very compelling argument about him learning #rstats instead 😁
— Shoili (@shoilipal) June 18, 2018
A bit of fun with 186 hexagon stickers! Roughly sorted by hue to give a colour spectrum of #rstats packages.
— Mitchell O'Hara-Wild (@mitchoharawild) June 14, 2018
Is your sticker missing? Send it to [email protected] by midnight UTC time to be added to the @useR2018_conf feature wall.
Yessssssssss, you can play #Tetris, #Mario, #Pacman, 2048, Spider Solitaire and others in #RStudio with {Rcade} package #rstats kuddos to @RLesur #procrastinate 🤩🎉
— Olivier Gimenez (@oaggimenez) June 15, 2018
Over 100 htmlwidgets on the #rstats htmlwidgets gallery! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to all the contributors!
— Ryan Hafen (@hafenstats) June 15, 2018