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R Weekly 2017-34 Tidy Evaluation, Tidy Select
A tidytext + web scraping RStudio blog posts - I’ve decided to analyze the 240+ blog posts that RStudio has put out since 2011
tidyr 0.7.0 - tidy evaluation and tidy select
rstudio::conf(2018): Contributed talks, e-posters, and diversity scholarships
R in the Real World
Treating your data: The old school vs tidyverse modern tools
A tidytext + web scraping RStudio blog posts - I’ve decided to analyze the 240+ blog posts that RStudio has put out since 2011
Clusters in beer by alcohol, bitterness, color
R in Organizations
New Packages
rrtools - Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R
blastula - Easily send great-looking HTML email messages from R
colorblindr - Simulate colorblindness in production-ready R figures.
- ghibli - Studio Ghibli Palette Generator
fitur - Fit Univariate Distributions
banR - R Client for the BAN API
GoTr - R wrapper for An API of Ice And Fire
dbplot - Simplifies plotting of database and sparklyr data
Package Releases
text2vec 0.5 - Fast vectorization, topic modeling, distances and GloVe word embeddings in R.
tidyr 0.7.0 - Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions
RProtoBuf 0.4.10 - R bindings for the Google Protocol Buffers
Magick 1.0 - 🎩 ✨🐇 Advanced Graphics and Image Processing in R
RcppArmadillo 0.7.960.1.0 - RcppArmadillo provides an interface from R to and from Armadillo
Fiery 1.0 - A Lightweight and Flexible Web Framework
Shiny 1.0.4 - file inputs now support dragging and dropping
Advantages of Using R Notebooks For Data Analysis Instead of Jupyter Notebooks
How to Make High Quality Data Visualizations for Websites With R and ggplot2
A Stan case study, sort of: The probability my son will be stung by a bumblebee
Parse an Online Table into an R Dataframe – Westgard’s Biological Variation Database
How to build an image recognizer in R using just a few images
RStudio Server Pro is ready for BigQuery on the Google Cloud Platform
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Internal C-level
and henceR_check_class_etc()
now also consider non-direct super classes and hence return a match in more cases. This e.g., fixes behaviour of derived classes in packageMatrix
. -
pretty(x, n=<large>)
now works better (though it was never meant for largen
); internally it uses the same rounding fuzz (1e-10) asseq.default()
- as it did up to 2010-02-03 when both were 1e-7. -
arithmetic with zero-column data frames now works more consistently; issue raised by Bill Dunlap.
Upcoming Events
RStudio conf 2018 January 31 to February 3
rstudio::conf is about all things R and RStudio! Register & More infos -
R/Finance 2018 June 1 and 2
Applied Finance with R. More info -
useR! 2018 July 10, 2018
The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Quotes of the Week
My #rstats learning path:
— Jesse Maegan (@kierisi) August 18, 2017
1. Install R
2. Install RStudio
3. Google "How do I [THING I WANT TO DO] in R?"
Repeat step 3 ad infinitum.
It was twenty years ago today, Ross Ihaka got the band to play.... #rstats
— Peter Dalgaard (@pdalgd) August 16, 2017
What #rstats tricks did it take you way too long to learn? One of mine is using readRDS and saveRDS instead of repeatedly loading from CSV
— Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer) August 19, 2017