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{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2017-29 learnr, useR! 2017 Videos
learnr - Turn any R Markdown document into an interactive tutorial
UseR! 2017
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
awesome-r-organizations — A community curated list of awesome companies/organizations that contribute open source R software.
New Packages
- ggshape - Arrange ‘ggplot’ facets in arbitrary shapes
ggjoy - Geoms to make joy plots using ggplot2
llr - Lisp like R
tidyweb - Easily Install and Load Modern Web-Scraping Packages
learnr - Turn any R Markdown document into an interactive tutorial
postlightmercury - Asynchronous API calls
sweep - Extending broom for time series forecasting
ergastR - R Wrapper for ergast F1 Results Data API
Package Releases
OpenCPU 2.0 - Announcing OpenCPU 2.0: Building and Deploying Scalable R Apps and Services
R Internationally
Downloading S&P 500 Stock Data from Google/Quandl with R (Command Line Script)
Improving state-space modelling of the Australian 2007 federal election
Who turned out to vote in the 2014 New Zealand general election?
Improving state-space modelling of the Australian 2007 federal election
Setting up large scale OSM environments for R using Osmosis and PostgreSQL with PostGIS
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
supports debugging of methods on any"genericFunction"
, including group generics. -
The default for
has been changed to"xz"
to match the compression used by CRAN. -
tries harder to solve re-encoding issues, notably seen in some Windows locales. This fixes thecitation()
issue in PR#17291. -
model.matrix(~1, mf)
now gets the row names frommf
also when they differ from1:nrow(mf)
, fixing PR#14992 thanks to the suggestion by Sebastian Meyer. -
assumed thencp
parameter was a scalar.
Upcoming Events
RStudio conf 2018 January 31 to February 3
rstudio::conf is about all things R and RStudio! Register & More infos -
useR! 2018 July 10, 2018
The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Quotes of the Week
Over the years, movies have converged to a length of ~100 min.
— Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke) July 12, 2017
4 lines of code with ggjoy. #rstats
The greatest achievement of my PhD so far: discovering the 'magick' R package and adding gifs to my plots (thanks @danielphadley!) #rstats
— George Bailey (@grbails) July 13, 2017
Steps in #Rstats are like steps in #cooking. My memory aid for students and teaching
— Sonja Eisenbeiss (@SonjaEisenbeiss) July 10, 2017
Peak time for sports and leisure #dataviz. About time for a joyplot; might do a write-up on them. #rstats code at
— Henrik Lindberg (@hnrklndbrg) July 8, 2017