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R Weekly 2017-19 Mining CRAN, GSOC2017, DataSci & Public Good
BrailleR - Improving R for blind users.
R in the Real World
Videos and Podcasts
R in Organizations
R Internationally
Premiers pas en Machine Learning avec R. Volume 2 : la classification — English - Autotranslate
Des recours différents à la procuration — English - Autotranslate
R in Academia
New Packages
BrailleR - Improving R for blind users.
decapitated - Headless ‘Chrome’ Orchestration in R
casebase - Fit Flexible Smooth-in-Time Hazards and Risk Functions via Logistic and Multinomial Regression
timekit - Time Series Forecast Applications Using Data Mining
desctable - An R package to produce descriptive and comparative tables
Sinew - Create self-populating roxygen2 skeletons
How to Establish a Web Presence as an R User and Why It’s Important
Autoencoders and anomaly detection with machine learning in fraud analytics
Update to autoencoders and anomaly detection with machine learning in fraud analytics
End-to-End Scenarios Enabled by the Data Science Virtual Machine: Webinar Video
Taking control of animations in R and demystifying them in the process
A tribute to Lucy D’Agostino McGowan’s git commit emoji game
Machine Learning Forecasting Numeric Data with Multiple Linear Regression (Medical Expenses)
Everyone knows that loops in R are to be avoided but vectorization is not always possible
Modelling individual party vote from the 2014 New Zealand election study
Package Releases
RcppEigen - ‘Rcpp’ Integration for the ‘Eigen’ Templated Linear Algebra Library
RInside 0.2.14 - Provides a set of convenience classes which facilitate embedding of R inside of C++ applications
x13binary 1.1.39-1 - Provide the ‘x13ashtml’ Seasonal Adjustment Binary
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
- Connections are now written correctly with encoding
Upcoming Events
R/Finance 2017 May 19 and 20, 2017
From the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance. -
R in Insurance 2017 June 8, 2017
This one-day conference will focus on applications in insurance and actuarial science that use R, the lingua franca for statistical computation. -
CSAMA 2017 June 11 - 16, 2017
Statistical Data Analysis for Genome-Scale Biology teaches statistical and computational analysis of multi-omics studies in biology and biomedicine. Practical hands-on exercises are based on the R / Bioconductor environment. -
angletR 2017 June 28 - 30, 2017
angletR aims to provide a national forum to exchange and share ideas on the use of R in different subjects such as visualisation, applied statistics, biostatistics and bioinformatics, Bayesian statistics, data analysis, Big Data, modelling, machine learning, high performance computing, etc.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Quotes of the Week
Making the most of an airport terminal. geom_sankey (to be included in #ggforce)#ggplot2 #dataviz #rstats
— Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85) May 5, 2017
What would it be for #rstats? Maybe
— Clark Fitzgerald (@clarkfitzg) May 4, 2017
R: What if statisticians wrote a programming language?
shared by @sempf