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R Weekly 2017 Issue 11
R Google Summer of Code 2017 - Organization Page - Students will contribute to free/open-source R packages for 3 months during the summer. Mentors get code written for their project.
useRs Relationship with R - the second in a series of posts on the useR! 2016 survey.
Videos and Podcasts
R in the Real World
Did Mary and John go West? - The final post in the baby-names-the-data-scientist’s-way series.
The Ramones. Punk is Data, Too - can we use R to analyze punk bands?
Create Air Travel Route Maps in ggplot: A Visual Travel Diary
R Internationally
R in Organizations
Making a Case for case_when - This is a brief post on the
function. -
Tidy spatial data in R: using dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot2 with sf - The new R package sf, which replaces sp for handling spatial objects, is designed to play nicely with the Tidyverse. In this post I show how sf objects are stored as data frames and how this allows them to work with with ggplot2, dplyr, and tidyr.
Scheduling R scripts and processes on Windows and Unix/Linux
Changing names in the tidyverse: An example for many regressions
What does it mean to clean outliers from your data - the connection with loss functions
Reproducible Finance with R: Interactive Maps and ETF Analysis
Frankenstein - This is a Voronoi diagraman of Frankenstein.
Step-Debugging magrittr/dplyr Pipelines in R with wrapr and replyr
Direct integration of sjPlot-tables in knitr-rmarkdown-documents #rstats
New Packages and Tools
Huxtable - Huxtable is an R package for creating HTML and LaTeX tables. It provides similar functionality to xtable, but more, with a simpler interface.
sigr - Simple Significance Reporting
nhmrcData - NHMRC funding outcomes data made tidy
New Releases
- ggsci 2.4 - Scientific journal and sci-fi themed color palettes for ggplot2. New color palettes from NEJM, LocusZoom, IGV, and Star Trek 🖖 .
Icarus 0.3 - Icarus provides tools to help perform calibration on margins.
RcppGSL 0.3.2 - An interface from R to the GNU GSL using the Rcpp package.
RcppSMC 0.1.5 - Rcpp-based bindings to R for them Sequential Monte Carlo Template Classes
tidyquant 0.4.0 - PerformanceAnalytics, Improved Documentation, ggplot2 Themes and More
RProtoBuf 0.4.9 - R bindings for the Google Protocol Buffers (“Protobuf”) data encoding and serialization library
RVowpalWabbit 0.0.9 - Connects GNU R to the very impressive Vowpal Wabbit fast out-of-core learning system
Call for Participation
- R Google Summer of Code 2017 - Organization Page - Students will contribute to free/open-source R packages for 3 months during the summer. Mentors get code written for their project.
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events
R/Finance 2017 May 19 and 20, 2017
From the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance. -
useR! 2017 July 4, 2017
The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Quotes of the Week
Remaking @WSJ measles visualization for #dataviz lecture using #rstats . Can you guess what year the vaccine was introduced?
— Rafael A Irizarry (@rafalab)
This truth sears my soul #ihakalectures #rstats
— Liza Bolton (@Liza_Bolton)
Gathering thoughts on best way to display trends by US state. Thoughts on this tile map? 👍🤔👎#rstats #ggplot2
— Corinne Riddell (@datavisitor)