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Issue 27
Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!
Digested by R Weekly Members
Deploying R, RStudio and Shiny applications on Unbuntu Server
“smooth” package for R. es() function. Part III. Multiplicative models
Determine optimal cutpoints for numerical variables in survival plots
R in the Real World
International R
Data & Vinyles — Exploration d’une bibliothèque Discogs avec R - English (auto-translate)
#RStats — 3 livres à lire en novembre - English (auto-translate)
R in Organization
Tutorial: Build a live rental prediction service with SQL Server R Services
RL10N hits its first milestone - R is gradually taking over the world (of data analysis). However, proficiency in English remains a prerequisite for effectively working with R.
Videos and Podcasts
New Packages and Tools
RLightGBM - R interface to Light Gradient Boosting Machine library.
replyr - Convenience functions for working in R with tbl and dplyr.
ggforce - Announcing ggforce: Accelerating ggplot2.
ggstance - Horizontal ggplot2 components
roxygen2md - Converts elements of roxygen documentation to markdown.
prediction - Tidy, Type-Safe ‘prediction()’ Methods.
ratelimitr - Rate limiting for R functions.
OCRinShiny - OCR an image and get a word cloud.
ggsn - R package to add north symbols and scale bars to maps created with ggplot or ggmap.
Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for ggplot2 - Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for ggplot2.
New Releases
RcppExamples 0.1.8 - The RcppExamples package provides a handful of short examples detailing by concrete working examples how to set up basic R data structures in C++.
data.table 1.9.8 - Extension of Data.frame
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core.
now produces its warning correctly when multiple DLLs match.
Upcoming Events
rstudio::conf 2017 January 13 and 14, 2017
The conference about all things R and RStudio.
Quote of the Week
Do you use SQL with R? With R Markdown and R Notebooks, you can run SQL statements right inside the editor. #rstats
— RStudio Tips (@rstudiotips)
#Rhub #rstats package builder has artifacts now, including binary packages:
— Gabor Csardi (@GaborCsardi)