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Issue 23
Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!
Digested by R Weekly Members
News & Blog Posts
ReporteRs: Manager-friendly Word or Powerpoint documents created with R
Plotting individual observations and group means with ggplot2
facet_plot: a general solution to associate data with phylogenetic tree
Better Confidence Intervals for Quantiles - We discuss the computation of confidence intervals for the median or any other quantile in R.
A new data processing workflow for R: dplyr, magrittr, tidyr, ggplot2 (2015)
R in the Real World
Londoners Take the Bus Far More Often Than the Rest of England (Adjusted for Population)
FiveThirtyEight’s polling data for the US Presidential election
R in Organization
Video and Podcast
NSSD 25: How Exactly Do You Pronounce SQL? - Go through the overflowing mailbag to respond to listener questions. Topics include causal inference in trend modeling, regression model selection, using SQL, and data science certification.
New Releases
future 1.1.1 - Remote Processing Using Futures.
simmer 3.5.0 - simmer is a process-oriented and trajectory-based Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) package for R. Designed to be a generic framework like SimPy or SimJulia.
Rblpapi 0.3.5 - Rblpapi provides a direct interface between R and the Bloomberg Terminal via the C++ API provided by Bloomberg Labs.
RcppArmadillo 0.7.500.0.0 - RcppArmadillo integrates this library with the R environment and language–and is widely used by (currently) 274 other packages on CRAN.
New Packages & Tools
JMbayes - Multivariate Joint Models for Multiple Longitudinal Outcomes and a Time-to-Event.
rsparkling - Sparkling Water (H2O) Machine Learning. This package provides bindings to H2O’s distributed machine learning algorithms via sparklyr.
tilegramsR - R wrapper for Tilegrams.
Housing Market Analyzer - This Android application is a hybrid web app, built with R shiny.
prettyB - Prettified base graphics. All plotting functions work exactly as before, with the same inputs. The difference is that the defaults have been changed.
Upcoming Events
- rstudio::conf 2017 January 13 and 14, 2017
The conference about all things R and RStudio.
Quote of the Week
"It's easier to make an error if I am not using Rcpp"
— Dirk Eddelbuettel (@eddelbuettel)
-- @GaborCsardi , right now in the (wicked) R Hub presentation