

Issue 11

Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!


Digested by R Weekly Members

News & Blog Posts


Getting Started With CaricRture

Plotting GPX tracks with Shiny and Leaflet

ROC Curves in Two Lines of R Code

Visualisation of Likert scale results

R in the Real World

How R Packages are Licensed

2016 Australian Federal Election Flexdashboard

Swiss Olympians - the solo specialists

Something Strange in the Neighborhood

R in Organization

R in Academia

Video and Podcast


New Releases

New Packages & Tools

  • intubate - Interface to Popular R Functions for Data Science Pipelines.
  • condvis - Conditional Visualisation for Statistical Models.
  • rgeoapi - A package to access the French GéoAPI.
  • nzcensus - New Zealand Census Results.
  • Heuristica - An R package for testing models of binary choice.
  • ghostr - Dataset of Ghost Sightings in Kentucky.
  • margins - An R Port of Stata’s margins Command.

R Project Updates

Updates from R Core.

  • Use options(deparse.max.lines) to limit the number of lines recorded in .Traceback and other deparsing activities.
  • pmax() and pmin() now work with (more ?) classed objects, such as "Matrix" from the Matrix package, as documented for a long time.
  • unique(warnings()) works more correctly, thanks to a new duplicated.warnings() method.
  • The version of LAPACK included in the sources has been updated to 3.6.1, a bug-fix release including a speedup for the non-symmetric case of eigen().


Call for Participation

Upcoming Events

  • R Competition on education in South Africa 8 July - 21 August

  • EARL 2016 London 13 September - 15 Septemberth
    The primary focus of the Conference is the commercial usage of R across a range of industry sectors with the aim of sharing knowledge and applications of the language.

  • eRum 2016 Poznan, Poland 12 October - 14 October
    European R users meeting (eRum) is an international conference that aims at integrating users of the R language. eRum 2016 will be a good chance to exchange experiences, broaden knowledge on R and collaborate.

Quote of the Week