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Issue 21
Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!
Digested by R Weekly Members
News & Blog Posts
Find Me a Venture Capitalist - This tutorial demonstrates how fundManageR can be used to explore venture capital firms.
Eight (not 10) things an R user will find frustrating when trying to learn Python
Tutorial: Scalable R on Spark with SparkR, sparklyr and RevoScaleR
R in the Real World
Understanding empirical Bayesian hierarchical modeling (using baseball statistics)
Performance comparison between kmeans and RevoScaleR rxKmeans
Watch the world warm with this animated globe, created with R
R in Organization
R in Academia
BarcodingR: an integrated R package for species identification using DNA barcodes
skeleSim: an extensible, general framework for population genetic simulation in R
Video and Podcast
- NSSD 24 : 50 Minutes of Blathering - Topics covered include RStudio Conf, polling, millennials, Karl Broman, and more!
New Releases
pqR-2016-10-05 - One major change with this version is that pqR, which was based on R-2.15.0, is now compatible with R-2.15.1.
Shiny Server (Pro) 1.4.7 - This release includes new features to support Shiny 0.14. It also updates our Node.js to 0.10.47, which includes important security fixes for SSL/TLS.
shinythemes 1.1.1 - Easily alter the overall appearance of your Shiny application using the shinythemes package.
bayesAB 0.7.0 - Package for Bayesian AB Testing.
corrr 0.2.1 - exploring correlations in a tidy R framework.
ggseas 0.5.1 - Update of
for seasonal decomposition on the fly -
anytime 0.0.3 - Bugfix, new feature - converts just about any input to Date or Datetime
New Packages & Tools
bindr - Parametrized active bindings.
pattern.nlp - Sentiment analysis and Parts of Speech tagging in Dutch/French/English/German/Spanish/Italian.
blscrapeR - Use R to Calculate Inflation with the blscrapeR Package.
mapmate - An R package for map animation.
yarrr - This package contains data, functions, and other random files for the e-book YaRrr!
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core.
Subsetting very large matrices (
prod(dim(.)) >= 2^31
) now works thanks to Michael Schubmehl’s PR#17158. -
used residual sums of squares instead of variances, when argument was a list oflm
objects. (Reported by Jens Ledet Jensen). -
plot(<lm>, which = *)
now correctly labels the contour lines for the standardized residuals forwhich = 6
. It also takes the correct p in case of singularities (also forwhich = 5
). (PR#17161) -
used residual sums of squares instead of variances, when the argument was a list oflm
objects. (Reported by Jens Ledet Jensen). -
Headers for Unix-only facilities
are no longer installed on Windows.
Upcoming Events
- rstudio::conf 2017 January 13 and 14, 2017
The conference about all things R and RStudio.
Quote of the Week
Results if the election were between Python and Java users, based on @StackOverflow traffic#rstats @FiveThirtyEight
— David Robinson (@drob)
Where in the world are #rstats users? Stack Overflow traffic can tell us: plot of what cities have most/least R traffic
— David Robinson (@drob)