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Issue 20
Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!
Digested by R Weekly Members
R Notebooks - A powerful notebook authoring engine to R Markdown
AlignAssign - RStudio addin to align assignment operators
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Data Science, Machine Learning, R, Python
News & Blog Posts
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Data Science, Machine Learning, R, Python
Meta-analysis is a special case of Bayesian multilevel modeling
Get air quality data for the United Kingdom using the rdefra package
R Notebooks - A powerful notebook authoring engine to R Markdown.
R in the Real World
R in Organization
R in Academia
New Releases
tint 0.0.2 - A ‘tufte’-alike style for ‘rmarkdown’.
text2vec 0.4 - Modern Text Mining Framework for R - fast vectorization, topic modeling, word embeddings and more.
haven 1.0.0 - Haven is designed to faciliate the transfer of data between R and SAS, SPSS, and Stata.
RcppGSL 0.3.1 - RcppGSL provides an interface from R to the vector and matrix classes of the GNU GSL.
SpaDES 1.3.1 - Develop and run spatially explicit discrete event simulation models.
New Packages & Tools
graphql - A GraphQL Query Parser.
ourworldindata - An R data package containing datasets from
artyfarty - A theming package for ggplot2.
linpe - Make sending and receiving data analysis faster and easier.
mafs - Multiple Automatic Forecast Selection.
AlignAssign - RStudio addin to align assignment operators.
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core.
get an optionaltrace
argument, andppr(.., sm.method=..spline)
is no longer limited to sample size n <= 2500. -
now allows direct specification of lambda, gets ahatvalues()
method and keepstol
in the result, and optionally parts of the internal matrix computations. -
split(<very_long>, *)
now works even when the split off parts are long. -
now also work correctly when the argument list starts withcharacter(0)
. -
R CMD build
now preserves dates when it copies files in preparing the tarball. -
have many improved declarations includingconst
for double-precision complex routines. Inter alia this avoids warnings when passingstring literal
arguments from C++11 code. -
formatC(x, flag=f)
allows two new flags, and signals an error for invalid flags also in the case of character formatting.
Upcoming Events
- rstudio::conf 2017 January 13 and 14, 2017
The conference about all things R and RStudio.
Quote of the Week
R for data science ( is done (for now) and off to O'Reilly for publishing 🎉 Available in print in Dec/Jan #rstats
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham)