

Issue 14

Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!


Digested by R Weekly Members

News & Blog Posts


Visualising Residuals

Using cranlogs in R with Plotly

R in the Real World

In MMA winners keep winning and losers keep losing

Mortgage rate gifs: Week of Aug 19, 2016

fav package

When is the best time to catch Pokemon in PokemonGo?

The Olympic Medal

R in Organization

R in Academia

Video and Podcast


New Releases

New Packages & Tools

  • shinyLP - Bootstrap Components to make Landing Home Pages for Shiny

  • processx - Portable tools to run system processes in the background, read their standard output and error, kill and restart them.

  • types - This package provides a simple type annotation for R that is usable in scripts.

  • thief - The thief package for R: Temporal HIErarchical Forecasting.

R Project Updates

Updates from R Core.

  • summary.default() no longer rounds, but its print method does, resulting in much less extraneous rounding notably of numbers in the ten thousands.

  • R CMD check reports more dubious flags in files ‘src/Makevars[.in]’, including -w and -g.

  • R CMD check has been set up to filter important warnings from recent versions of gfortran with -Wall -pedantic: this now reports non-portable GNU extensions such as out-of-order declarations.

  • system.time() now uses ‘message()’ instead of ‘cat()’ when terminated early, such that ‘suppressMessages()’ has an effect; suggested by Ben Bolker.

Upcoming Events

  • satRday! in Budapest, Hungary 3 September
    The satRdays are SQLSaturday-inspired, community-led, one-day, regional and very affordable conferences around the world to support collaboration, networking and innovation within the R community.
    Twitter list of satRday speakers

  • EARL 2016 London 13 September - 15 September
    The primary focus of the Conference is the commercial usage of R across a range of industry sectors with the aim of sharing knowledge and applications of the language.

  • eRum 2016 Poznan, Poland 12 October - 14 October
    European R users meeting (eRum) is an international conference that aims at integrating users of the R language. eRum 2016 will be a good chance to exchange experiences, broaden knowledge on R and collaborate.

Quote of the Week