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Issue 6
Hello and welcome to the new issue of R Weekly!
Digested by R Weekly Members
R Weekly useR! 2016 Edition - useR! 2016 slides and related resources.
R package primer - a minimal tutorial.
sparklyr - R interface for Apache Spark.
- dplyr 0.5 - This is a big release with a heap of new features and many bug fixes.
R Community Updates
News & Blog Posts
R in the Real World
WriteR - IDE accessible to blind
A Preview of My Talk for the Data Science Africa Workshop organized by the United Nations
Update: Predictive Bookmaker Consensus Model for the UEFA Euro 2016
Project TIER - Making your research reproducible with Project TIER, R, and GitHub.
R in Organization
Videos & Podcasts
R for Data Science book by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham.
New Releases
- validate version 0.1.5
- dplyr version 0.5
- future 1.0.0 with future.BatchJobs 0.12.1 and doFuture 0.2.0
New Packages & Tools
RStudio Preview Release v0.99.1246 now includes support for Notebooks
citr - RStudio addin for interactively adding BibTeX citations
simcausal - Simulating Longitudinal and Network Data with Causal Inference Applications. Extensive vignette is here.
tmlenet - Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Network Data.
stremr - Streamlined Estimation of Survival for Static, Dynamic and Stochastic Treatment and Monitoring Regimes.
Call for Participation
Upcoming Events
- EARL 2016 London September 13th-15th
The primary focus of the Conference is the commercial usage of R across a range of industry sectors with the aim of sharing knowledge and applications of the language.
useR! 2016
You can also read the up to date R Weekly UseR! 2016 Edition.
Blog Posts
MoRe than woRds, Text and Context: Language Analytics in Finance with R - slides
Time-to-Event Modeling as the Foundation of Multi-Channel Revenue Attribution - resources
Never Tell Me the Odds! Machine Learning with Class Imbalances - resources
Genome-Wide Association Analysis and Post-Analytic Interrogation with R - part 1, part 2
Handling and Analyzing Spatial, Spatiotemporal and Movement Data - slides
Regression Modeling Strategies and the rms Package - wiki, notes
Using R with Jupyter Notebooks for Reproducible Research - resources
shinyjs: improve the user experience in your Shiny apps by Dean Attali
rbokeh - A Simple, Flexible, Declarative Framework for Interactive Graphics
R in the Real World
Modeling Food Policy Decision Analysis with an Interactive Bayesian Network in Shiny
Automated Clinical Research Tracking and Assessment Using R-Shiny
R & Other Languages
Packages Development
Machine Learning and Statistics
Simulation and power analysis of generalized linear mixed models
mlrMBO: A Toolbox for Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions
xgboost: An R package for Fast and Accurate Gradient Boosting
Quote of the Week
2 of the 5 original authors of S were women #rstats #user2016
— Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) June 28, 2016
So true: "The amount of Git skilz necessary to fix a borked up repo is an order of magnitude bigger than to bork it." @JennyBryan #useR2016
— Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek) June 27, 2016
Putting this to rest once and for all.. SAS is not required for FDA approval /cc @rdpeng #useR2016 #TheMoreYouKnow
— Hilary Parker (@hspter) June 29, 2016
The reason behind #rstats assignment arrow <- was a dedicated key on the keyboard #useR2016
— Jasmine Dumas (@jasdumas) June 28, 2016
Jonathan Godfrey showing us how he uses a Braille keyboard to develop R code. Just amazing. #rstats #useR2016
— David Robinson (@drob) June 28, 2016