{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }} - {{ link.N }} ( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ }}
{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }} - {{ link.N }}
( {{ get_host(link.U) }} ){{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}
( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2024-W52 Rlinguo, R for music, Shiny sprite randomiser
This week’s release was curated by Sam Parmar, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in Organizations
AWS for Pharmaceutical and Life Science Companies: Guide for Directors
Connect Cloud moves into Beta with new features and subscription plans
Introducing the rOpenSci Localization and Translation Guidelines
New Packages
📦 Keep up to date wtih CRANberries 📦
- {ggtaxplot} 0.0.1: Create Plots to Visualize Taxonomy
- {ciphertext} 0.1.0: Classical Cryptography Methods for Words and Phrases
- {Certara.RsNLME.ModelBuilder} 3.0.1: Pharmacometric Model Building Using ‘shiny’
- {cpp11qpdf} 1.3.5: Split, Combine and Compress PDF Files
- {spanishoddata} 0.1.0: Get Spanish Origin-Destination Data
- {shinychat} 0.1.1: Chat UI Component for ‘shiny’
- {datacutr} 0.2.1: SDTM Datacut
- {colorfast} 1.0.0: Fast Conversion of R Colors to Color Component Values and Native Packed Integer Format
GitHub or Bitbucket
Updated Packages
- {PSS.Health} 1.1.4: Power and Sample Size for Health Researchers via Shiny - diffify
- {climate} 1.2.2: Interface to Download Meteorological (and Hydrological) Datasets - diffify
- {tidyBdE} 0.3.8: Download Data from Bank of Spain - diffify
- {GHCNr} 1.0.0: Download Weather Station Data from GHCN - diffify
- {argparse} 2.2.5: Command Line Optional and Positional Argument Parser - diffify
- {logib} 0.2.0: Salary Analysis by the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality - diffify
- {aifeducation} 1.0.0: Artificial Intelligence for Education - diffify
- {gastempt} 0.7.0: Analyzing Gastric Emptying from MRI or Scintigraphy - diffify
- {openxlsx2} 1.12: Read, Write and Edit ‘xlsx’ Files - diffify
- {DrugUtilisation} 0.8.1: Summarise Patient-Level Drug Utilisation in Data Mapped to the OMOP Common Data Model - diffify
- {tidypredict} 0.5.1: Run Predictions Inside the Database - diffify
- {FaaSr} 1.4.3: FaaS (Function as a Service) Package - diffify
- {connectapi} 0.5.0: Utilities for Interacting with the ‘Posit Connect’ Server API - diffify
- {ggblanket} 11.1.0: Simplify ‘ggplot2’ Visualisation - diffify
- {survival} 3.8-3: Survival Analysis - diffify
- {aplot} 0.2.4: Decorate a ‘ggplot’ with Associated Information - diffify
- {tugboat} 0.1.1: Build a Docker Image from a Directory or Project - diffify
- {parabar} 1.4.2: Progress Bar for Parallel Tasks - diffify
- {} 2.2.1: Lightweight Modern & Responsive Card Component for ‘shiny’ - diffify
- {duckdbfs} 0.0.9: High Performance Remote File System, Database and ‘Geospatial’ Access Using ‘duckdb’ - diffify
- {super} 0.0.4: Interpreted String Literals - diffify
- {tidyplots} 0.2.0: Tidy Plots for Scientific Papers - diffify
- {xslt} 1.5.0: Extensible Style-Sheet Language Transformations - diffify
- {jqr} 1.4.0: Client for ‘jq’, a ‘JSON’ Processor - diffify
- {ggh4x} 0.3.0: Hacks for ‘ggplot2’ - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Shiny Apps
Latent Growth Curve Models using the Lavaan Package in R workshop
RObservations #50: a journey across the United States with {mapBliss}
- How to Use complete.cases in R With Examples
- A Complete Guide to Using na.rm in R: Vector and Data Frame Examples
How to Use na.omit in R: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Missing Values
- Art from code I: Generative art with R
- Art from code II. Spatial tricks with ambient
- Art from code III: Polygon tricks
- Art from code IV: Shading tricks
- Art from code V: Iterated function systems
- Art from code VI: Tiles and tessellations
- Art from code VII: Pixel filters
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Call for Participation
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
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