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R Weekly 2023-W13 Base R, ChatGPT, Alt-Text
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
New Packages
{octopus} 0.1.2: R package for database management. Upload files, view tables and schemas, send queries, and more.
{distillML} Model Distillation and Interpretability Methods for Machine Learning Models - diffify
{Rforestry} 0.10.0: Random Forests, Linear Trees, and Gradient Boosting for Inference and Interpretability - diffify
{usedthese} 0.3.2: Summarises Package & Function Usage - diffify
{dtrackr} 0.4.0: Track your Data Pipelines - diffify
{simplermarkdown} 0.0.6: Simple Engine for Generating Reports using R - diffify
{metR} 0.14.0: Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields - diffify
{crew} 0.0.5: A Distributed Worker Launcher - diffify
{finnts} 0.2.3: Microsoft Finance Time Series Forecasting Framework - diffify
{GIGrvg} 0.8: Random Variate Generator for the GIG Distribution - diffify
GitHub or Bitbucket
{macrtools} R package that downloads and setups a compiled code environment for macOS.
{quartificate} Transform Google Docs into Quarto Books.
Updated Packages
{parallelly} 1.35.0 - Enhancing the ‘parallel’ Package - diffify
{doFuture} 1.0.0 - Use Foreach to Parallelize via the Future Framework - diffify
{port4me} 0.5.1 - Get the Same, Personal, Free TCP Port over and over. - diffify
{shinytest} 1.5.3: Test Shiny Apps - diffify
{see} Visualisation toolbox for beautiful and publication-ready figures. - diffify
{peacesciencer} 1.1.0: Tools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science Research - diffify
{drake} 7.13.5: A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale - diffify
{dtplyr} 1.3.1: Data Table Back-End for ‘dplyr’ - diffify
{dplyr} 1.1.1: A Grammar of Data Manipulation - diffify
{RcppSMC} 0.2.7: Rcpp Bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo - diffify
{modelr} 0.1.11: Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe - diffify
{lessR} 4.2.8: Less Code, More Results - diffify
{chatgpt} 0.2.2: Interface to ‘ChatGPT’ from R - diffify
{pillar} 1.9.0: Coloured Formatting for Columns - diffify
{Tinflex} 2.4: A Universal Non-Uniform Random Number Generator - diffify
{dbplyr} 2.3.2: A ‘dplyr’ Back End for Databases - diffify
{funneljoin} 0.2.0: Time-Based Joins to Analyze Sequences of Events - diffify
{caret} 6.0-94: Classification and Regression Training - diffify
{gglm} 1.0.2: Grammar of Graphics for Linear Model Diagnostic Plots - diffify
{ggbrain} 0.8.1: Create Images of Volumetric Brain Data in NIfTI Format Using ‘ggplot2’ Syntax - diffify
{edibble} 0.1.3: Designing Comparative Experiments - diffify
{feasts} 0.3.1: Feature Extraction and Statistics for Time Series - diffify
{googledrive} 2.1.0: An Interface to Google Drive - diffify
{glmnet} 4.1-7: Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Gist & Cookbook
Replicated an E-Commerce Store Using My Custom Package, starBliss
Unlocking the Power of purrr: How to Create Multiple Lags Like a Pro in R
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Call for Participation
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
+Weekly R Workshops for Ukraine
Grants & Funding
- R Consortium ISC Call for Proposals - Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) grants for low-to-medium risk projects with a focused scope and likely to have a broad impact on the R Community. Deadline 2023-04-01.
💼 Explore Jobs & Gigs Board on RStudio Community 💼
Today was hard..... but I got writing and package dev done though. Today was all about squares. Added a square packing fx to the art package and one that generates the data for a square. It's coming along. #rtistry in #rstats
— Meghan Harris (@meghansharris) March 25, 2023
Couldn't resist logging on for 5 minutes to give this script another whirl. Honestly. #Partygate.
— Cara Thompson | @[email protected] (@cararthompson) March 21, 2023
All done in #rstats. Shapes and colours determined by the text in the current @guardian headline and the body of the article.
#rtistry #GenArt #CreativeCoding
Quotes of the Week
"Base #RStats has many lesser-known helper functions like `reformulate()` and `toString()`.
— Tim Tiefenbach (@TimTeaFan) March 17, 2023
It’s quite surprising that even high-rated questions on SO don't contain a single answer mentioning the former 😱⁰⁰At the same time, I regularly keep forgetting the latter myself 😅
People who don't cite R packages, why?
— Dr. Andrew Barnas (@AndrewBarnas) March 21, 2023
purrr::map() is a superpower when I need to produce consistent maps in bulk for a report or presentation
— Kyle Walker (@kyle_e_walker) March 23, 2023
In the linked example (with shapefiles previously cached), I made 51 maps in 51 seconds, each with an appropriate title#rstats