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{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ }}
{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }} - {{ link.N }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2023-W07 Maintain, Resample, Manipulate
This week’s release was curated by Jonathan Carroll, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
Shiny App without Shiny: a JavaScript Exercise in R Markdown
Resampling to understand gender in #TidyTuesday art history data
From Bits to Words: A Tale Computing and Communication Languages
R in the Real World
R Users
R-Ladies Vitória: Use of R for Public Policy Decisions on Maternal and Child Health in Brazil
Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid Collaborates with the National R Congress in Spain
New Packages
- {bodsr} 0.1.0: Call the Bus Open Data Service (‘BODS’) API Through R
- {volcanoPlot} 1.0.0: Volcano Plot for Clinical Trial Adverse Events
- {metalite} 0.1.1: ADaM Metadata Structure
- {CoronaNetR} 0.3.0: API Access to ‘CoronaNet’ Data
- {mmstat4} 0.1.2: Access to Teaching Materials from a ZIP File or GitHub
- {deFit} 0.1.0: Fitting Differential Equations to Time Series Data
- {simulator} 0.2.5: An Engine for Running Simulations
- {mateable} 0.3.2: Assess Mating Potential in Space and Time
- {whitewater} 0.1.2: Parallel Processing Options for Package ‘dataRetrieval’
- {formatBibtex} 0.1.0: Format BibTeX Entries and Files
- {eselect} 1.1: Adaptive Clinical Trial Designs with Endpoint Selection and Sample Size Reassessment
- {roads} 1.1.0: Road Network Projection
- {cols4all} 0.6: Colors for all
- {OlympicRshiny} 1.0.0: ‘Shiny’ Application for Olympic Data
- {MetChem} 0.2: Chemical Structural Similarity Analysis
- {connectapi} Utilities for Interacting with the ‘Posit Connect’ Server API
Updated Packages
{tidydice} 1.0.0 Simulates Dice Rolls and Coin Flips
- {rfishbase} 4.0.0: R Interface to ‘FishBase’ - diffify
- {dm} 1.0.4: Relational Data Models - diffify
- {RcppColors} 0.2.0: ‘C++’ Header Files for Color Conversion and Color Mappings - diffify
- {gasper} 1.1.3: Graph Signal Processing - diffify
- {polished} 0.8.1: Authentication and Hosting for ‘shiny’ Apps - diffify
- {RcppAlgos} 2.7.2: High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics - diffify
- {rconfig} 0.2.0: Manage R Configuration at the Command Line - diffify
- {pool} 1.0.0: Object Pooling - diffify
- {FAIRmaterials} 0.3.0: Make Materials Data FAIR - diffify
- {RhpcBLASctl} 0.23-42: Control the Number of Threads on ‘BLAS’ - diffify
- {ggpubr} 0.6.0: ‘ggplot2’ Based Publication Ready Plots - diffify
- {verbalisr} 0.5.0: Describe Pedigree Relationships in Words - diffify
- {vcfR} 1.14.0: Manipulate and Visualize VCF Data - diffify
- {queryup} 1.0.2: Query the ‘UniProtKB’ REST API - diffify
- {hockeystick} 0.7.1: Download and Visualize Essential Climate Change Data - diffify
- {datefixR} 1.4.1: Standardize Dates in Different Formats or with Missing Data - diffify
- {sherlock} 0.6.0: Graphical Displays to Aid Structured Problem Solving and Diagnosis - diffify
- {ggplot2} 3.4.1: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics - diffify
- {toprdata} 1.0.2: Gene and Exon Data from Ensembl - diffify
- {spatgraphs} 3.4: Graph Edge Computations for Spatial Point Patterns - diffify
- {ispdata} 1.1: Access Data from the Public Security Institute of the State of Rio De Janeiro - diffify
- {USA.state.boundaries} 1.0.1: WGS84 Datum Map of the USA, Including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands - diffify
- {ip2proxy} 1.2.0: Lookup for IP Address Proxy Information - diffify
- {RPostgreSQL} 0.7-5: R Interface to the ‘PostgreSQL’ Database System - diffify
- {readr} 2.1.4: Read Rectangular Text Data - diffify
- {microeco} 0.14.0: Microbial Community Ecology Data Analysis - diffify
- {jsTreeR} 2.3.0: A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library ‘jsTree’ - diffify
- {igraph} 1.4.0: Network Analysis and Visualization - diffify
- {RcppArmadillo} ‘Rcpp’ Integration for the ‘Armadillo’ Templated Linear Algebra Library - diffify
- {datetimeoffset} 0.2.1: Datetimes with Optional UTC Offsets and/or Heterogeneous Time Zones - diffify
- {lubridate} 1.9.2: Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier - diffify
- {ggdensity} 1.0.0: Interpretable Bivariate Density Visualization with ‘ggplot2’ - diffify
- {doconv} 0.3.2: Document Conversion to ‘PDF’ or ‘PNG’ - diffify
- {pointblank} 0.11.3: Data Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local and Remote Tables - diffify
- {tikzDevice} 0.12.4: R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format - diffify
- {coda4microbiome} 0.1.4: Compositional Data Analysis for Microbiome Studies - diffify
- {filehash} 2.4-5: Simple Key-Value Database - diffify
- {agua} 0.1.1: ‘tidymodels’ Integration with ‘h2o’ - diffify
- {TOC} 0.0-6: Total Operating Characteristic Curve and ROC Curve - diffify
- {broom.helpers} 1.12.0: Helpers for Model Coefficients Tibbles - diffify
- {rms} 6.5-0: Regression Modeling Strategies - diffify
- {racademyocean} 0.3.2: Client for ‘AcademyOcean API’ - diffify
- {paws} 0.2.0: Amazon Web Services Software Development Kit - diffify
- {openairmaps} 0.7.0: Create Maps of Air Pollution Data - diffify
- {glmmrBase} 0.2.4: Specification of Generalised Linear Mixed Models - diffify
- {exact2x2} 1.6.8: Exact Tests and Confidence Intervals for 2x2 Tables - diffify
- {osmdata} 0.2.0: Import ‘OpenStreetMap’ Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects - diffify
- {gittargets} 0.0.6: Data Version Control for the Targets Package - diffify
- {bspm} 0.4.2: Bridge to System Package Manager - diffify
- {PRISMA2020} 1.1.1: Make Interactive ‘PRISMA’ Flow Diagrams - diffify
- {paws.database} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Database Services - diffify
- {readxl} 1.4.2: Read Excel Files - diffify
- {Hmisc} 4.8-0: Harrell Miscellaneous - diffify
- {readrba} 0.1.4: Download and Tidy Data from the Reserve Bank of Australia - diffify
- {memo} 1.1: In-Memory Caching of Repeated Computations (Memoization) - diffify
- {caretEnsemble} 2.0.2: Ensembles of Caret Models - diffify
- {nlsr} 2023.2.8: Functions for Nonlinear Least Squares Solutions - Updated 2022 - diffify
- {SAMtool} 1.5.1: Stock Assessment Methods Toolkit - diffify
- {forestploter} 1.0.0: Create Flexible Forest Plot - diffify
- {webfakes} 1.1.7: Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing - diffify
- {} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Storage Services - diffify
- {} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Security, Identity, & Compliance Services - diffify
- {paws.networking} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Networking & Content Delivery Services - diffify
- {} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Management & Governance Services - diffify
- {paws.machine.learning} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Machine Learning Services - diffify
- {hydroroute} 0.1.2: Trace Longitudinal Hydropeaking Waves - diffify
- {paws.end.user.computing} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ End User Computing Services - diffify
- {} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Developer Tools Services - diffify
- {paws.customer.engagement} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Customer Engagement Services - diffify
- {} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Cost Management Services - diffify
- {paws.compute} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Compute Services - diffify
- {} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Analytics Services - diffify
- {FFTrees} 1.9.0: Generate, Visualise, and Evaluate Fast-and-Frugal Decision Trees - diffify
- {paws.application.integration} 0.2.0: ‘Amazon Web Services’ Application Integration Services - diffify
- {wCorr} 1.9.6: Weighted Correlations - diffify
- {torchaudio} 0.3.1: R Interface to ‘pytorch’’s ‘torchaudio’ - diffify
- {modeltime} 1.2.5: The Tidymodels Extension for Time Series Modeling - diffify
- {pdftools} 3.3.3: Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents - diffify
- {brolgar} 1.0.0: Browse Over Longitudinal Data Graphically and Analytically in R - diffify
- {colourvalues} 0.3.8: Assigns Colours to Values - diffify
- {rlemon} 0.2.1: R Access to LEMON Graph Algorithms - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
R Project Updates
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When your code doesn't work out as intended, but you try to make the best of it anyway 🤷🏾♀️ #rtistry #rstats #genart
— Meghan Harris (@meghansharris) February 9, 2023
The Intersection#rstats #generativeart #rtistry #creativecoding
— chris (@dickie_roper) February 6, 2023
#RStats #GenArtClub #GenerativeArt
— Nicola Rennie | @[email protected] (@nrennie35) February 9, 2023
Quotes of the Week
I made a new Quarto extension to bring the Spotlight Reveal.js plugin to Quarto.
— Mickaël CANOUIL (@[email protected]) (@MickaelCanouil) February 10, 2023
It's a very useful plugin that allows you to highlight a specific part of your presentation. #AwesomeQuarto #RevealJS
Do you want feedback on your #rstats code but are too 🙈 shy 🙈 to ask?
— James Wade (@JamesHWade) January 11, 2023
🤖 gpttools 📦 can now suggest code improvements and explains what it did 🤯! #ChatGPT
It's almost like a modern-day rubber 🦆 that talks back
📣📣📣 We're thrilled to announce the full list of #ShinyConf2023 speakers rocking the world of #datascience and #RShiny every day!
— ShinyConf (@ShinyConf) February 8, 2023
Check the list and register for the conference now for free 👉 #shiny #r