R Weekly 2024-W29, webrcli & spidyr, compare slider widget

This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.



R in Academia

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R in Organizations

New Packages

📦 Keep up to date wtih CRANberries 📦


{osmapiR} 0.1.0: Interface to ‘OpenStreetMap API’

Updated Packages

🔍 Search on R-universe 🔍

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Videos and Podcasts

R Internationally

R Avanzado: Libro escrito por Hadley Wickham con el que comprenderá cómo funciona el lenguaje y aprenderá nuevas estrategias para resolver diversos problems.

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Leafier & leaner: Leafy dendrograms and a leaner R package


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R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

Call for Participation

Upcoming Events in 3 Months

Events in 3 Months:


Join the Data Science Learning Community


Quotes of the Week