R Weekly 2025-W11 LaTeX Typesetting in R, Create a unique documentation for your R Package
This week’s release was curated by Batool Almaarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
New Packages
📦 Keep up to date wtih CRANberries 📦
{forgts} 0.0.1: Reads a spreadsheet and its formatting information to produce gt tables with the same cell and text formatting as the input file
{Certara.DarwinReporter} 2.0.1: Data Visualization Utilities for ‘pyDarwin’ Machine Learning Pharmacometric Model Development
{xlr} 1.0.3: Create Table Summaries and Export Neat Tables to ‘Excel’
{visae} 0.2.1: Visualization of Adverse Events
{shinyTimer} 0.1.0: Customizable Timer for ‘shiny’ Applications
{uisapi} 0.1.0: Access the UNESCO Institute for Statistics API
{RplotterPkg} 0.1.3: R Plotting Functions Using ‘ggplot2’
{revise} 0.1.0: Dynamic Revision Letters for ‘Rmarkdown’ Manuscripts
{connected} 1.1: Visualize and Improve Connectedness of Factors in Tables
{mixtree} 0.0.1: A Statistical Framework for Comparing Sets of Trees
{MHQoL} 0.12.0: Mental Health Quality of Life Toolkit
{rconf} 0.1.2: Minimal and Lightweight Configuration Tool
{mbX} 0.1.3: A Comprehensive Microbiome Data Processing Pipeline
{IndexNumberTools} 1.1: Working with Index Numbers
{sakura} 0.1.0: Extension to R Serialization
{rmsMD} 0.1.2: Output Results from ‘rms’ Models for Medical Journals
{maths.genealogy} 0.1.2: Mathematics PhD Genealogy Data and Plotting
{Certara.ModelResults} 3.0.1: Generate Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models Using ‘shiny’
Updated Packages
{mrbin} 1.9.0: Metabolomics Data Analysis Functions - diffify
{tidyllm} 0.3.2: Tidy Integration of Large Language Models - diffify
{tidyplots} 0.2.2: Tidy Plots for Scientific Papers - diffify
{gimap} 1.0.3: Calculate Genetic Interactions for Paired CRISPR Targets - diffify
{pals} 1.10: Color Palettes, Colormaps, and Tools to Evaluate Them - diffify
{readxl} 1.4.5: Read Excel Files - diffify
{archeofrag} 1.1.0: Spatial Analysis in Archaeology from Refitting Fragments - diffify
{PubChemR} 2.1.4: Interface to the ‘PubChem’ Database for Chemical Data Retrieval - diffify
{rgeoda} 0.1.0: R Library for Spatial Data Analysis - diffify
{rhub} 2.0.1: Tools for R Package Developers - diffify
{usmapdata} 0.4.0: Mapping Data for ‘usmap’ Package - diffify
{hutilscpp} 0.10.8: Miscellaneous Functions in C++ - diffify
{habtools} 1.1.1: Tools and Metrics for 3D Surfaces and Objects - diffify
{rnpn} 1.3.0: Interface to the National ‘Phenology’ Network ‘API’ - diffify
{divest} 1.2.0: Get Images Out of DICOM Format Quickly - diffify
{dataquieR} 2.5.1: Data Quality in Epidemiological Research - diffify
{tutorial.helpers} 0.4.2: Helper Functions for Creating Tutorials - diffify
{strata} 1.4.3: Simple Framework for Simple Automation - diffify
{leaflet.extras2} 1.3.1: Extra Functionality for ‘leaflet’ Package - diffify
{huxtable} 5.6.0: Easily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other Formats - diffify
{scoutbaR} 0.1.0: A Spotlight ‘React’ Widget for ‘shiny’ Apps - diffify
{isopleuros} 1.4.0: Ternary Plots - diffify
{formatBibtex} 0.1.1: Format BibTeX Entries and Files - diffify
{xpectr} 0.4.4: Generates Expectations for ‘testthat’ Unit Testing - diffify
{offsetreg} 1.1.1: An Extension of ‘Tidymodels’ Supporting Offset Terms - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
R Internationally
A Bayesian proportional hazards model with a penalized spline
Customize your expedition: Create a unique documentation for your R Package
The Complete Guide to Handling NA Values in R Tables: Methods, Best Practices, and Solutions
Harness Local LLMs and GitHub Copilot for Enhanced R Package Development
How to include control variables in a cross-lagged panel model
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Grants & Funding
Join the Data Science Learning Community
Crochet-inspired generative art 🧶🎨 #Rtistry #RStats #ggplot2 #GenerativeArt
— Nicola Rennie (@nrennie.bsky.social) March 7, 2025 at 4:23 PM
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Quotes of the Week
Receiving CRAN feedback #RStats
— coolbutuseless (@coolbutuseless.fosstodon.org.ap.brid.gy) March 8, 2025 at 3:16 PM
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