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R Weekly 2022-W26 {flextable}, Shiny's workload, RainbowR
This week’s release was curated by Jon Calder, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
{flextable} 0.7.2 - Framework for easily creating tables for reporting and publications - diffify
Offload Shiny’s Workload: COVID-19 processing for the WHO/Europe
Listen to R-Weekly Highlights Episode 84
R in the Real World
R in Academia
New Packages
{censored} 0.1.0 - A {parsnip} extension package which provides engines for various models for censored regression and survival analysis
{oddsapiR} 0.0.1: Access Live Sports Odds from the Odds API
{edibble} 0.1.0: Designing Comparative Experiments
Updated Packages
- {spatialsample} 0.2.0 - Functions and classes for spatial cross-validation with tidymodels - diffify
{flextable} 0.7.2 - Framework for easily creating tables for reporting and publications - diffify
{globals} 0.15.1 - Identify Global Objects in R Expressions - diffify
{mirai} 0.5.0 - Minimalist async evaluation framework for R - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Programming Games with Shiny - Roll the Dice: with Quosures!
Demonstrating climate change using the ggplot2 R package to create a tornado plot (CC224)
Efficient Data Analysis on Larger-than-Memory Data with DuckDB and Arrow
Shiny Apps
A {shiny} app to wrap BlasterJS and visualize NCBI blast results locally
Offload Shiny’s Workload: COVID-19 processing for the WHO/Europe
How to use multiple colour scales in ggplot with {ggnewscale}
How to model exponential survival probabilities using maximum likelihood from scratch
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Today I realised I can add emojis to my #Rstats code to help my squiggly brain navigate it! Now I just have to look for the correctly coloured thing instead of a wall of monochromatic text. Look at how tidy and cute my @rstudio document outline is!
— Alise Fox (@hi_im_alise) June 22, 2022
Easily create single new ggplot2 geoms from multiple ggplot layers with the {ggpackets} #rstats 📦 by Doug Kelkhoff #ggplot2
— Sharon Machlis (@sharon000) June 25, 2022