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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2021-W47 Missing Value, R Bugs Database,
This week’s release was curated by Wolfram Qin, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
Transitioning from x86 to arm64 on macOS - experiences of an R user
Learn how to detect outlier in the dataset using visual and statistical methods
Walking the line between reproducibility and efficiency in R Markdown: Three methods
R in the Real World
Running R clusters on an AMD Threadripper 3990X in Windows 11 (update)
Darwin to the Rescue: Using Phylogenetic Information to Overcome the Raunkiaeran Shortfall
R in Organizations
New Packages
{r2spss} 0.2.0: Format R Output to Look Like SPSS
{excluder} 0.3.2: Checks for Exclusion Criteria in Online Data
Updated Packages
{RcppArmadillo} v0. - Bugfix, New Features
{cli} v3.1.0 - helps you create a consistent and convenient command line interface
- {attachment} v0.2.4 - fill the Remotes field
Videos and Podcasts
Darwin to the Rescue: Using Phylogenetic Information to Overcome the Raunkiaeran Shortfall
Creating A Custom MaxMind mmdb File For Cloud Provider Ranges
Birmingham R talks about the difficulties of socializing in an online space
How To Augment Tableau With R & Python - A Webinar and Case Study from Sweden
2021-02 Groups, Compositing Operators, and Affine Transformations in R Graphics
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
Unsung heroes of base #RStats
— mikefc (@coolbutuseless) November 19, 2021
* rle()
* adist()
* rep()#TossACoinToYourBaseFunc