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R Weekly 2021-W02 fastai, renv, Github Actions
This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
{fastai} 2.0.2: Interface to fastai
- {renv} 0.12.5: Project Environments
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
proceduralnames: A small, dependency-free way to generate random names.
{scrappy} 0.0.1: A Simple Web Scraper
{ctsemOMX} 1.0.3: Continuous Time SEM - ‘OpenMx’ Based Functions
{covid19jp} 0.1.0: Japanese Covid-19 Datasets
{EMDSVRhybrid} 0.1.0: Hybrid Machine Learning Model
{APCI} 0.1.0: A New Age-Period-Cohort Model for Describing and Investigating Inter-Cohort Differences and Life Course Dynamics
{nbapalettes} 0.1.0: An NBA Jersey Palette Generator
{matrixdist} 1.0: Statistics for Matrix Distributions
{cragg} 0.0.1: Tests for Weak Instruments in R
{collapse} 1.5.0: Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
{WSGeometry} 1.0: Compute Wasserstein Barycenters, Geodesics, PCA and Distances
{ggmulti} 0.1.0: High Dimensional Data Visualization
{arabic2kansuji} 0.1.0: Convert Arabic Numerals to Kansuji
{pkgnews} 0.0.1: Retrieve R Package News Files
GitHub or Bitbucket
{gibboda}: Gender Isn’t Binary But Other Data Are.
{vegadown}: ‘knitr’ Engine to Render ‘YAML’ and ‘JSON’ into ‘Vega’.
{quicknews}: Some R-functions for navigating the online news landscape.]
Updated Packages
{SphericalCubature} 1.5: Numerical Integration over Spheres and Balls in n-Dimensions; Multivariate Polar Coordinates
{spatialEco} 1.3-5: Spatial Analysis and Modelling Utilities
{circlize} 0.4.12: Circular Visualization
{rgl} 0.104.16: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL
{bayesplot} 1.8.0: Plotting for Bayesian Models
{WVPlots} 1.3.2: Common Plots for Analysis
{plotly} 4.9.3: Create Interactive Web Graphics via
{treemapify} 2.5.5: Draw Treemaps in
{prettydoc} 0.4.1: Creating Pretty Documents from R Markdown
{sysfonts} 0.8.3: Loading Fonts into R
{showtext} 0.9-2: Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
{fastai} 2.0.2: Interface to
{lessR} 3.9.9: Less Code, More Results
{leaflet} Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript ‘Leaflet’Library
{renv} 0.12.5: Project Environments
{blogdown} 1.0: Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown
{gtsummary} 1.3.6: Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
{ipmisc} 5.0.2: Miscellaneous Functions for Data Cleaning and Analysis
{ProjectTemplate} 0.10.0: Automates the Creation of New Statistical Analysis Projects
{ggeasy} 0.1.3: Easy Access to ‘ggplot2’ Commands
{profileModel} 0.6.1: Profiling Inference Functions for Various Model Classes
{RSQLite} 2.2.2: ‘SQLite’ Interface for R
{ggridges} 0.5.3: Ridgeline Plots in
{eplusr} 0.14.0: A Toolkit for Using Whole Building Simulation Program ‘EnergyPlus’
{forestinventory} 1.0.0: Design-Based Global and Small-Area Estimations for Multiphase Forest Inventories
{tidytext} 0.3.0: Text Mining using ‘dplyr’, ‘ggplot2’, and Other Tidy Tools
{qtl} 1.47-9: Tools for Analyzing QTL Experiments
{pubmed.mineR} 1.0.17: Text Mining of PubMed Abstracts
{renv} 0.12.5: Project Environments
{modelsummary} 0.6.5: Summary Tables and Plots for Statistical Models and Data: Beautiful, Customizable, and Publication-Ready
- {SHAPforxgboost} 0.1.0: SHAP Plots for ‘XGBoost’
{shinypanel} 0.1.4: Shiny Control Panel
{gggibbous} 0.1.1: Moon Charts, a Pie Chart Alternative
{mully} 2.1.31: Create, Modify and Visualize Multi-Layered Networks
{libr} 1.1.1: Libraries, Data Dictionaries, and a Data Step for R
{xfun} 0.20: Miscellaneous Functions by ‘Yihui Xie’
Shiny Apps
Soccer Analytics Library: Relevant research in the soccer analytics space.
R Shiny {golem} - Designing the UI - Part 1 - Development to Production
Videos and Podcasts
Identifying Bottlenecks (slow code parts) in R using Profiling / profvis
Emil Hvitfeldt - palette2vec - A new way to explore color paletttes
Kenneth Benoit - Why you should stop using other text mining packages and embrace quanteda
R Internationally
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Call for Participation
Quotes of the Week
I <may> have gone overboard on my research getting ready to teach #Rstats to anthropology students
— Marc Kissel (@MarcKissel) January 9, 2021
Relationship goals!#RStats #Rladies #rladiestunis
— R-Ladies Tunis (@RLadiesTunis) January 10, 2021