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{{ is_pkg(link.U) }}{{ link.T }} {{ get_host(link.U) }}( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
{{ }}
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( {{ get_host(link.U) }} )
R Weekly 2019-02 leafgl, purrr, timing, docker, vitae
R in Organizations
New Packages
vitae - Automate your CV with vitae
GitHub or Bitbucket
posterdown - Use RMarkdown to generate Latex PDF Conference Posters
leafgl — An R package for fast web gl rendering of features on leaflet maps
destatiscleanr - Imports and cleans data from official German statistical offices to jump-start the data analysis
pointdexter - Labels longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates located inside a polygon
Updated Packages
doFuture 0.7.0 - A Universal Foreach Parallel Adapter using the Future API of the ‘future’ Package (blog post)
future.batchtools 0.7.2 - A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using ‘batchtools’ (see above ‘blog post’)
future.BatchJobs 0.16.1 - A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using ‘BatchJobs’ (see above ‘blog post’)
future.callr 0.4.0 - A Future API for Parallel Processing using ‘callr’ (see above ‘blog post’)
On the Road to 0.8.0 — Some Additional New Features Coming in the sergeant Package
Waffle Geoms & Other Miscellaneous In-Development Package Updates
R Internationally
How To Combine Multiple Ggplot Plots To Make Publication-Ready Plots
[Linguistic Signals of Album Quality: A Predictive Analysis of Pitchfork Review Scores Using Quanteda]
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
Women’s Package Development Workshop - by R-Ladies Chicago and Forwards: Curious about package development, but not sure where to start? This workshop is for you! Run by R-Ladies Chicago, the goal of this workshop is to empower you to start contributing back to the R ecosystem with package development. Applications are now open! Deadline: 1/15/19 for out-of-town attendees, 2/2/19 for Chicago-based attendees.
Quotes of the Week
‼️‼️ LOOK WHAT'S COMING TO RAYSHADER! I took this video last night. Intrigued? Excited? Want to learn more? Be the first to preview the new features coming in the next few months to #rayshader at my RStudio::conf talk next week!
— Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall) January 11, 2019
📅⏰ Thursday at 4:24 PM#rstats #rstudioconf
Procrastination achievement of late afternoon: automatically add letter labels before your facet labels in #ggplot2 for helping to make publication ready plots. Works with different numbers of facets automatically. Gist here: #rstats #ECRchat
— Daniel Padfield (@padpadpadpad) January 8, 2019