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R Weekly 2018-20 Conferences, Excel, Interpretable
New Packages
📦 Go Live for More New Pkgs 📦
Package Releases
RcppMsgPack 0.2.2 - MsgPack Headers for R
RcppGSL 0.3.4 - R to the vector and matrix classes of the GNU GSL
leaflet 2.0.0 - R and Interactive Maps
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
Installing Missing Packages from Bioconductor, CRAN and Github
Machine Learning Explained: Vectorization and matrix operations
Introducing the tapir package: Text-based Arbitrary Precision Integers in R
Deploying a secure Shiny Server and RStudio Server on a free Google Cloud virtual machine
Visual Representation of Complex Multivariate Relationships Using the R Qgraph Package
Regression with Interaction Terms - How Centering Predictors influences Main Effects
Coordinate systems in ggplot2: easily overlooked and rather underrated
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
no longer fails in some cases of nested empty lists. -
Method dispatch uses more relevant environments when looking up class definitions.
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
R/Finance 2018 June 1 and 2
Applied Finance with R. -
CascadiaRConf June 2 Portland, OR, US
7eme Rencontres R July 5 & 6
Rennes - Agrocampus -
useR! 2018 July 10
The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.
Next Week’s Events:
- UseR Group and R-Ladies Events the week of May 14th.
There are 23 events in at least 8 countries posted on RStudio Community this week.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Call for Participation
- Join the r-spatial ladies! There’s a slack channel open to women and non binary folks interested in R for spatial data and a GitHub page with crowdsourced resources.
Quotes of the Week
Shiny v1.1 (the one with async) is days away from release! Huge changes under the hood--it'd be a big help if you try out your app using devtools::install_github("rstudio/shiny") and let us know if anything breaks! #rstats
— Joe Cheng (@jcheng) May 11, 2018
For all #rstats users like me who are nitpicky about the colour palettes they use in figures: there is a package called "colorspace" which lets you brew your own palette in an interactive window! Even has options to check how its viewed in B&W and by colourblind people. #phdchat
— Jaimi Gray (@jaimiAgray) May 10, 2018
If you’re an academic you need a website so that people can easily find info about your research and publications. Here’s how to make your own website for free in an under an hour using the blogdown package in #Rstats [THREAD]
— Dan Quintana (@dsquintana) May 7, 2018
The R package `factoextra` makes it supremely easy to extract and visualize the output of the most common (exploratory) multivariate data analyses (PCA, MFA, etc.):
— Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets) May 8, 2018
Tons of documentation available at a dedicated website: