

R Weekly 2018-1 New Year, Android, R4DS



Six Reasons To Learn R For Business

R in the Real World

2017. Quantified. In. R.

  • MPA 635: Data visualization - Students use R and Illustrator to take a huge dataset, explore it, tinker with it, and tell a nuanced story about it using at least three graphs.

MPA 635: Data visualization

New Packages

📦 Go Live for More New Pkgs 📦

  • brmstools - helper functions for (visualizing) brms models


  • strava - Create artistic visualisations with your exercise data

  • rhymer - Find rhyming and other related words using the Datamuse API.


R Internationally

Videos and Podcasts


Tiny Art in Less Than 280 Characters

Gist & Cookbook

R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

  • nls(`NO [mol/l]` ~ f(t)) and nls(y ~ a) now work.

  • configure will use pkg-config to find the flags to link to jpeg if available (as it should be for jpeg-9c and libjpeg-turbo). (This amends the code added in R 3.3.0 as module name in jpeg-9c is not what that tested for.)

  • Legacy support of make macros such as CXX1X is formally deprecated: use the CXX11 forms instead.

  • ar.yw(x) and hence by default ar(x) now work when x has NAs, mostly thanks to a patch by Pavel Krivitsky in PR#17366. The ar.yw.default()’s AIC computations have become more efficient by using determinant().

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Quotes of the Week