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R Weekly 2017-20 Interactive Tutorials, Tidyverse Functions, Wikimedia Dashboards
learnr - Interactive Tutorials for R
rlang - Functions for Base Types and Core R and ‘Tidyverse’ Features
Travis-CI Flaw Exposed Some ‘Secure’ Environment Variable Contents
Exploding barplot - Animation (with R-script and example data)
R in the Real World
Modelling individual party vote from the 2014 New Zealand election study
Measuring Impact from Giving Talks on My R Package Downloads
Videos and Podcasts
- NSSD 38 - Banging on the Piano - Hilary and Roger revisit the desktop vs. cloud discussion, Hilary recaps csvconf, and Roger discusses the aesthetics of data analysis.
R in Organizations
New Packages
shinymaterial - Shiny Material adds the design of Google’s material design through the Materialize css framework
pvm - Package Version Manager for R
learnr - Interactive Tutorials for R
rlang - Functions for Base Types and Core R and ‘Tidyverse’ Features
tidygenomics - Tidy Verbs for Dealing with Genomic Data Frames
brushthat - Brush up your tests!
cyphr - :shipit: Humane encryption
Package Releases
d3panels - d3panels and R/qtlcharts for D3 version 4
opencpu 1.6.1 - Producing and Reproducing Results
Evolution of ice hockey players’ height: IIHF world championships 2001-2016
Machine Learning. Regression Trees and Model Trees (Predicting Wine Quality)
Reports or Newspapers – The Two Sides of Healthcare Priorities
tidyquant: New Tools for Performing Financial Analysis within the Tidy Ecosystem
Parsing Text for Emotion Terms: Analysis & Visualization Using R
Upcoming Events
R/Finance 2017 May 19 and 20, 2017
From the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practioners interested in using R in Finance. -
rOpenSci Unconf 2017 May 25 and 26, 2017
For a fourth year running, this event aims bring together scientists, developers, and open data enthusiasts from academia, industry, government, and non-profit to get together for a few days and hack on various projects (invite-only). -
R in Insurance 2017 June 8, 2017
This one-day conference will focus on applications in insurance and actuarial science that use R, the lingua franca for statistical computation.
More past events at R conferences & meetups.
Quotes of the Week
because R
— Joel Spolsky (@spolsky) May 9, 2017