

R Weekly 2017 Issue 4



Structural Equation Modelling in R (Part 2)

Feature Selection in Machine Learning (Breast Cancer Datasets)


R in the Real World

Workout Wednesday Redux (2017 Week 3)

R in Organization

What Benefits Are Companies Offering Developers?

Videos and Podcasts


New Packages and Tools

  • prepdat - Preparing Experimental Data for Statistical Analysis

  • ggedit - a GUI for advanced editing of ggplot2 objects

  • VisualResume - Visual Resumes with R


  • The Genetic Map Comparator - A user-friendly application to display and compare genetic maps

  • padr - Quickly Get Datetime Data Ready for Analysis

  • taskviewr - R Packages and Licenses by Task View

  • CatterPlots - Did you ever wish you could make scatter plots with cat shaped points? Now you can!



New Releases

  • Rcpp 0.12.9 - Seamless R and C++ Integration

  • Choroplethr 3.5.3 - choroplethr simplifies the creation of choropleths (thematic maps) in R

  • RProtoBuf 0.4.8 - Windows support for proto3

  • WEC 0.4 - an R package to apply ‘weighted effect coding’ to your dummy variables.

  • rtweet 0.4 - Collecting Twitter data


R Project Updates

Updates from R Core:

  • bw.SJ() and density(*, bw="SJ") no longer fail because of integer overflow for large sample size n (starting from n as small as 65536).

  • download.file(method="libcurl") does not check for URL existence before attempting downloads; this is more robust to servers that do not support HEAD or range-based retrieval, but may create empty or incomplete files for aborted download requests.

  • Bandwidth selectors bw.ucv() and bw.SJ() gave incorrect answers or incorrectly reported an error (because of integer overflow) for inputs longer than 46341. Similarly for b2.bcv() at length 5793. Another possible integer overflow is checked and may result in a reported error (rather than an incorrect result) for much longer inputs (millions for a smooth distribution).

Call for Participation

Upcoming Events

  • SatRday #2 Conference - Cape Town, South Africa 18 Feb, 2017
    The R community and some of South Africa’s most forward thinking companies have come together to bring satRday to Cape Town.

  • useR! 2017 July 4, 2017
    The annual useR! conference is the main meeting of the international R user and developer community.

Quotes of the Week