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R Weekly 2023-W14 API Framework Examples, Reading Remote Files
This week’s release was curated by Jon Calder, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
Balancing Classes in Classification Problems, and Why It’s Generally a Bad Idea
Descriptive statistics: comparisons in JavaScript, Python, SQL, R, and Excel
Uniting R Professionals Across Disciplines for Data-Driven Insights in Maine
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: Researching Our Brain with the Magic of the R-Universe
R in the Real World
New Packages
{deps} 0.1.2: Dependency Management with ‘roxygen’-Style Comments
{debkeepr} 0.1.1: An R package for the analysis of non-decimal currencies
{lenght} 0.1.0: Allow Misspellings of Length Function.
{pcolor} 0.1.0: Pick Color Freely in Rstudio
Updated Packages
{ellipse} 0.4.5: Functions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions
Videos and Podcasts
Fast spatial analysis and kriging on grids - YEGRUG Meetup, February 23, 2023
Normalizing Z-Scores, pitfalls and generalizing - TidyX Episode 139
Gist & Cookbook
How much weight do you need to lose to drop an inch off the waist?
Little useless-useful R functions – Transforming dataframe to markdown table
Implementing rotation equivariance: Group-equivariant CNN from scratch
Using WebR + Pyodide To Fill In The (Temporary) Package Gaps
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Call for Participation
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
💼 Explore Jobs & Gigs Board on RStudio Community 💼
Quotes of the Week
Another reason to love the new #RStudio update: previews of the data alongside the suggest tab completions! 🤩
— Cara Thompson | @[email protected] (@cararthompson) March 31, 2023
Making today's task of automating text with #rstats easier by showing me what's inside the tibble as I seek to turn it onto sentences.
Opened RStudio to add some numbers together today #rstats
— Spencer Schien (@MrPecners) March 30, 2023
Do you love data science and want to cry? Do you want to see the UGLIEST #rstats plot to ever exist? Look no further because my students crushed their good plot/bad plot assignment and really took making the worst plots possible to heart. #ggplot🧵⬇️
— Dr. Nyssa Silbiger (@NSilbiger) April 1, 2023